
In: Economics

justification paragraph to the following case Introduction The issue of Sexual Harassment at the workplace is...

justification paragraph to the following case

Introduction The issue of Sexual Harassment at the workplace is as dreading an issue as it sounds. This have been prevalent for long time but recently we have seen several legislations which intend to ensure women's safety in the workplace so that they are not exploited and are able to work freely. In the case, Even After polite decline of the offer by Maura when Keith is continuously targeting her , it simply becomes the case of harassment as Maura is feeling Uncomfortable Working there. Every office or workplace needs to have proper codified mechanism and guidelines or policy as to how to Deal with Such kind of issues in order to ensure Women's safety. Analysis It is the case of a superior taking advantage or making advances towards his subordinate. Though, the lady avoids, denies the advances, the superior is persistent and has started to make her obvious, making her uncomfortable and the environment dreading. He is sharing his desires to his friends and to her and everybody is slowly getting aware of it. The Vice President comes to know about it, but thinks of doing nothing much, to avoid making it an issue. Worst is, there is no harassment policy in the company. There are multiple problems here - superior taking advances and harassing a subordinate, Vice President having a blind eye on the issue, no harassment policy in the company. Firstly, I think the company has to set a harassment policy and not having one or having a blind eye to the issue, is wrong morally and in the eyes of people. Vice President and whoever aware of the issue can step forward to help the lady. Most importantly, the girl has to step up for herself and voice the issue, as it can be happening to many others in the company. Highlight the issue to prominent people in the company to take action. If nothing is happening, she can file a case with the local police. Solution This is a case of a superior creating problems for the subordinate and insisting her to do certain tasks based on his influence and threatening her for the job. Brademore Electric Company should have a Zero Tolerance policy in place based on which any sort of objectionable behavior by any employee towards other would be taken seriously. Keith should be first warned by the HR personnel in the initial stage itself. If the problem still persists, Keith would be directly dismissed by the company as a matter of action supporting the Zero tolerance policy.


Expert Solution

With globalization in place, and the companies rapidly progressing, jobs on offer have increased for both male and female members and ensures, that in most cases they are same and inclusive.

The rise of working population also mean gender sensitive issues to be handled effectively by the management of Brademore Electric Company.

It must take into consideration that women cannot be treated at the whims of superiors and must ensure that safety of women at workplace is paramount. Women sexual harassment at workplace is a serious issue which if not tackled adequately could also lead to situation in which the company can be held accountable for not taking any action despite the fact that the same was highlighted and evident to even the Vice President of the company.

With rapidly changing society norms. It is important for men to realize that masculinity does not mean that they can go on abusing the power which they have been bestowed by the management in a manner that hurts the interest of women at workplace.

In the case listed above, it is extremely important for Martha to raise her voice in the company and beyond the premises also. The company is clearly at default and the moral obligations of the Vice President are in serious question because of his inaction to do anything. Despite being a modern company, it has failed to provide optimum security to its female staff and thus has become a problem for them.

In my opinion therefore, it is vital that Maura raises her voice at an appropriate forum both within the organization such as to the Human Resource department which should take relevant action against every erring employee right from the Vice President of the group for his inaction despite him knowing the contents of the case, to Keith himself for behaving in a inappropriate manner with Maura.

Also, Maura should approach the relevant police and law enforcement agencies in the case to ensure that her case is dealt with seriously and all preparatory to the crime should be dealt with as per norms of the society and general law.

Please feel free to ask your doubts in the comments section

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