In: Psychology
Is prostitution a major social problem? If so, why? If not, why not?
Prostitution is defined as engaging in sexual activities in exchange for money. It is one of the most ancient professions in human civilizations.
Most of the people in our society mainly those having religious and conservative beliefs and views believe that prostitution is both unethical and immoral because it is selling of sexual services for money. It is considered as a symbol of the moral decay of society.
Many feminists also raised the issue against the prostitution that it is decreasing the dignity of woman. Most of the prostitutes are raped, beaten and/or robbed during their services.
majority of people in society have the negative view about prostitution.
On the other hand, according to other view prostitution
Spreads HIV/AIDS and STDs.
Hence, it should not be legalized and in order to control this social problem stricter law enforcement is necessary.
It is not a just a criminal problem but it is a social problem.
Therefore, it is necessary that both government and society provide help and support to the sex workers to leave the prostitution and restart their lives in a better way
Prostitution is one of the major organized crime involves many criminal gangs, Mafias, organizations. That is why, without the support of society and government, it is very hard for prostitutes to break the chain of prostitution.