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perform Levene’s test for equal variance. Note, this is a one‐way ANOVA testing for the equality...

perform Levene’s test for equal variance. Note, this is a one‐way ANOVA testing for the equality of 16 variances (each combination of promotion/discount). 0.1 signigicance

2. perform 2-way anova with replication

To answer these questions, an experiment was designed using laundry detergent pods. For ten weeks, 160 subjects received information about the products. The factors under consideration were the number of promotions (1, 3, 5, or 7) that were described during this ten‐ week period and the percent that the product was discounted (10%, 20%, 30%, or 40%) off the average non‐promotional price. Ten individuals were randomly assigned to each of the sixteen combinations. The data reflecting what the sub‐ jects would expect to pay for the product (i.e., their reference price) at the end of the 10‐week period. 0.1 significance

Stop 'N Shop Reference Pricing Data Note: the headings reflect the number of promotions and the percent discount Stop 'N Shop Case.xlsx
   (for example: N5D30 represents 5 promotions with a 30 percent discount).
N1D10 N3D10 N5D10 N7D10 N1D20 N3D20 N5D20 N7D20 N1D30 N3D30 N5D30 N7D30 N1D40 N3D40 N5D40 N7D40
11.36 11.33 11.15 10.82 10.83 11.46 11.16 10.71 12.20 12.14 11.37 11.15 12.45 12.16 11.57 11.30
11.76 11.39 11.44 11.17 11.03 11.20 11.03 11.32 11.85 12.06 11.61 11.71 12.14 12.41 11.62 11.48
11.73 11.51 11.08 11.31 11.16 11.46 11.12 10.61 11.84 11.72 11.43 11.06 12.04 11.94 12.01 11.65
11.68 11.49 11.35 11.17 11.75 11.14 11.36 10.93 11.74 11.99 11.37 11.41 12.15 12.24 11.88 11.15
11.82 11.83 11.20 11.37 11.26 11.61 11.36 11.00 11.81 11.22 11.28 11.67 11.95 11.92 11.00 11.52
11.95 11.59 11.67 10.87 11.92 11.25 11.07 11.06 11.79 11.68 11.67 11.01 12.22 11.72 11.60 11.67
11.68 11.43 11.40 10.98 11.74 11.27 11.23 11.16 11.85 11.56 11.74 11.24 12.26 11.96 11.78 11.65
11.43 11.73 11.41 10.95 11.90 11.48 10.93 11.34 11.92 11.94 11.02 11.33 12.19 11.63 11.63 11.78
11.57 11.86 11.32 11.05 11.57 10.96 11.31 10.78 11.99 11.71 11.92 11.47 12.36 11.95 11.66 11.13
11.85 11.28 11.16 10.71 11.69 11.74 10.93 11.29 12.50 11.82 11.70 11.49 12.04 12.23 11.78 11.96


Expert Solution


The Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances for each combination of promotion and discount is performed in excel by following these steps,

Step 1: Write down the data values for each 16 group. The screenshot is shown below,

Step 2: Calculate the standard deviation for each group using the excel function =STEDEV(). Now, the variance is obtained by taking square of standard deviation.

Step 3: The null and alternative hypothesis are,

Step 4: The F-value is obtained using the formula,

and the corresponding P-value is obtained using the excel function =F.DIST(x,deg_freedom1,deg_freedom2,TRUE)

Step 5: The significance level is 0.01 such that the null hypothesis is rejected if,

P-value < 0.01

Group 1 Group 2 s1^2 s2^2 F=s1^2/s2^2 P-value
1 1 2 0.0341 0.0416 0.8200 0.3862 FALSE
2 1 3 0.0341 0.0310 1.1021 0.5564 FALSE
3 1 4 0.0341 0.0460 0.7428 0.3325 FALSE
4 1 5 0.0341 0.1487 0.2296 0.0196 FALSE
5 1 6 0.0341 0.0550 0.6201 0.2438 FALSE
6 1 7 0.0341 0.0265 1.2865 0.6432 FALSE
7 1 8 0.0341 0.0685 0.4981 0.1569 FALSE
8 1 9 0.0341 0.0543 0.6284 0.2499 FALSE
9 1 10 0.0341 0.0733 0.4657 0.1352 FALSE
10 1 11 0.0341 0.0701 0.4866 0.1491 FALSE
11 1 12 0.0341 0.0580 0.5889 0.2212 FALSE
12 1 13 0.0341 0.0231 1.4770 0.7147 FALSE
13 1 14 0.0341 0.0590 0.5785 0.2137 FALSE
14 1 15 0.0341 0.0721 0.4734 0.1402 FALSE
15 1 16 0.0341 0.0729 0.4685 0.1370 FALSE
16 2 3 0.0416 0.0310 1.3440 0.6666 FALSE
17 2 4 0.0416 0.0460 0.9058 0.4426 FALSE
18 2 5 0.0416 0.1487 0.2799 0.0358 FALSE
19 2 6 0.0416 0.0550 0.7562 0.3420 FALSE
20 2 7 0.0416 0.0265 1.5688 0.7436 FALSE
21 2 8 0.0416 0.0685 0.6074 0.2346 FALSE
22 2 9 0.0416 0.0543 0.7663 0.3491 FALSE
23 2 10 0.0416 0.0733 0.5679 0.2061 FALSE
24 2 11 0.0416 0.0701 0.5935 0.2245 FALSE
25 2 12 0.0416 0.0580 0.7182 0.3149 FALSE
26 2 13 0.0416 0.0231 1.8012 0.8031 FALSE
27 2 14 0.0416 0.0590 0.7055 0.3058 FALSE
28 2 15 0.0416 0.0721 0.5772 0.2128 FALSE
29 2 16 0.0416 0.0729 0.5714 0.2085 FALSE
30 3 4 0.0310 0.0460 0.6740 0.2830 FALSE
31 3 5 0.0310 0.1487 0.2083 0.0143 FALSE
32 3 6 0.0310 0.0550 0.5627 0.2023 FALSE
33 3 7 0.0310 0.0265 1.1673 0.5893 FALSE
34 3 8 0.0310 0.0685 0.4519 0.1262 FALSE
35 3 9 0.0310 0.0543 0.5702 0.2077 FALSE
36 3 10 0.0310 0.0733 0.4226 0.1078 FALSE
37 3 11 0.0310 0.0701 0.4416 0.1196 FALSE
38 3 12 0.0310 0.0580 0.5344 0.1822 FALSE
39 3 13 0.0310 0.0231 1.3402 0.6651 FALSE
40 3 14 0.0310 0.0590 0.5249 0.1755 FALSE
41 3 15 0.0310 0.0721 0.4295 0.1120 FALSE
42 3 16 0.0310 0.0729 0.4251 0.1093 FALSE
43 4 5 0.0460 0.1487 0.3091 0.0476 FALSE
44 4 6 0.0460 0.0550 0.8349 0.3962 FALSE
45 4 7 0.0460 0.0265 1.7320 0.7872 FALSE
46 4 8 0.0460 0.0685 0.6706 0.2805 FALSE
47 4 9 0.0460 0.0543 0.8460 0.4037 FALSE
48 4 10 0.0460 0.0733 0.6270 0.2489 FALSE
49 4 11 0.0460 0.0701 0.6552 0.2694 FALSE
50 4 12 0.0460 0.0580 0.7929 0.3676 FALSE
51 4 13 0.0460 0.0231 1.9885 0.8398 FALSE
52 4 14 0.0460 0.0590 0.7788 0.3579 FALSE
53 4 15 0.0460 0.0721 0.6373 0.2563 FALSE
54 4 16 0.0460 0.0729 0.6308 0.2516 FALSE
55 5 6 0.1487 0.0550 2.7013 0.9225 FALSE
56 5 7 0.1487 0.0265 5.6041 0.9914 FALSE
57 5 8 0.1487 0.0685 2.1697 0.8680 FALSE
58 5 9 0.1487 0.0543 2.7373 0.9252 FALSE
59 5 10 0.1487 0.0733 2.0288 0.8466 FALSE
60 5 11 0.1487 0.0701 2.1199 0.8608 FALSE
61 5 12 0.1487 0.0580 2.5655 0.9117 FALSE
62 5 13 0.1487 0.0231 6.4339 0.9947 FALSE
63 5 14 0.1487 0.0590 2.5201 0.9076 FALSE
64 5 15 0.1487 0.0721 2.0620 0.8520 FALSE
65 5 16 0.1487 0.0729 2.0410 0.8486 FALSE
66 6 7 0.0550 0.0265 2.0746 0.8540 FALSE
67 6 8 0.0550 0.0685 0.8032 0.3747 FALSE
68 6 9 0.0550 0.0543 1.0133 0.5077 FALSE
69 6 10 0.0550 0.0733 0.7510 0.3383 FALSE
70 6 11 0.0550 0.0701 0.7848 0.3620 FALSE
71 6 12 0.0550 0.0580 0.9497 0.4700 FALSE
72 6 13 0.0550 0.0231 2.3818 0.8939 FALSE
73 6 14 0.0550 0.0590 0.9329 0.4596 FALSE
74 6 15 0.0550 0.0721 0.7633 0.3470 FALSE
75 6 16 0.0550 0.0729 0.7556 0.3415 FALSE
76 7 8 0.0265 0.0685 0.3872 0.0868 FALSE
77 7 9 0.0265 0.0543 0.4885 0.1504 FALSE
78 7 10 0.0265 0.0733 0.3620 0.0731 FALSE
79 7 11 0.0265 0.0701 0.3783 0.0819 FALSE
80 7 12 0.0265 0.0580 0.4578 0.1300 FALSE
81 7 13 0.0265 0.0231 1.1481 0.5798 FALSE
82 7 14 0.0265 0.0590 0.4497 0.1248 FALSE
83 7 15 0.0265 0.0721 0.3679 0.0762 FALSE
84 7 16 0.0265 0.0729 0.3642 0.0742 FALSE
85 8 9 0.0685 0.0543 1.2616 0.6326 FALSE
86 8 10 0.0685 0.0733 0.9351 0.4610 FALSE
87 8 11 0.0685 0.0701 0.9770 0.4865 FALSE
88 8 12 0.0685 0.0580 1.1824 0.5965 FALSE
89 8 13 0.0685 0.0231 2.9654 0.9395 FALSE
90 8 14 0.0685 0.0590 1.1615 0.5864 FALSE
91 8 15 0.0685 0.0721 0.9504 0.4704 FALSE
92 8 16 0.0685 0.0729 0.9407 0.4645 FALSE
93 9 10 0.0543 0.0733 0.7411 0.3313 FALSE
94 9 11 0.0543 0.0701 0.7744 0.3548 FALSE
95 9 12 0.0543 0.0580 0.9372 0.4623 FALSE
96 9 13 0.0543 0.0231 2.3504 0.8905 FALSE
97 9 14 0.0543 0.0590 0.9206 0.4520 FALSE
98 9 15 0.0543 0.0721 0.7533 0.3399 FALSE
99 9 16 0.0543 0.0729 0.7456 0.3345 FALSE
100 10 11 0.0733 0.0701 1.0449 0.5256 FALSE
101 10 12 0.0733 0.0580 1.2646 0.6339 FALSE
102 10 13 0.0733 0.0231 3.1713 0.9497 FALSE
103 10 14 0.0733 0.0590 1.2422 0.6240 FALSE
104 10 15 0.0733 0.0721 1.0164 0.5095 FALSE
105 10 16 0.0733 0.0729 1.0060 0.5035 FALSE
106 11 12 0.0701 0.0580 1.2102 0.6096 FALSE
107 11 13 0.0701 0.0231 3.0350 0.9432 FALSE
108 11 14 0.0701 0.0590 1.1888 0.5995 FALSE
109 11 15 0.0701 0.0721 0.9727 0.4839 FALSE
110 11 16 0.0701 0.0729 0.9628 0.4779 FALSE
111 12 13 0.0580 0.0231 2.5079 0.9065 FALSE
112 12 14 0.0580 0.0590 0.9823 0.4896 FALSE
113 12 15 0.0580 0.0721 0.8037 0.3751 FALSE
114 12 16 0.0580 0.0729 0.7956 0.3694 FALSE
115 13 14 0.0231 0.0590 0.3917 0.0894 FALSE
116 13 15 0.0231 0.0721 0.3205 0.0527 FALSE
117 13 16 0.0231 0.0729 0.3172 0.0512 FALSE
118 14 15 0.0590 0.0721 0.8182 0.3850 FALSE
119 14 16 0.0590 0.0729 0.8099 0.3793 FALSE
120 15 16 0.0721 0.0729 0.9898 0.4940 FALSE

We can see that null hypothesis is failed to reject for each combination at 1% significant level. Hence we can conclude that all the variance are equal at 1% significant level.


The two factor ANOVA test is performed in excel by following these steps,

Step 1: Write down the dat avalues in excel. The screenshot is shown below,

Step 2: DATA > Data Analysis > Anova: Two Factor With Replication. The screenshot is shown below,

Step 3: Select the Input Range, Row per sample = 10, Alpha = 0.01 > OK. The screenshot is shown below,

The result is obtained. The screenshot is shown below,

We can see that,

P-value for both the factor is less than 0.01 at 1% significant level. Hence there is significant effect of both the factor. But there is no interaction between two factor (the P-value for interaction is > 0.01)

Please give thumbs up to my answer...!!

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