
In: Computer Science

Develop a python program to ask the user to take up the quiz(General knowledge) which has...

Develop a python program to ask the user to take up the quiz(General knowledge) which has around 4 or 5 questions & choices for those questions.

For each question user should have 2 or 3 attempts suppose if they are wrong.

Develop the in such a manner to add few more questions and remove some questions.


Expert Solution


#this class depicts a question which has four options
#a question and a correct option
class Question():
def __init__(self,question,optionA,optionB,optionC,optionD,correctOptionNumber):
self.question = question
self.optionA = optionA
self.optionB = optionB
self.optionC = optionC
self.optionD = optionD
#the optionNumber should be either 1,2,3 or 4
if(correctOptionNumber not in range(1,5)):
raise Excpetion("invalid option entered as correct option")
self.correctOption = correctOptionNumber
#str() method
def __str__(self):
return "Q. {}\n1. {}\n2. {}\n3. {}\n4. {}".format(self.question,

def main():
#list of Question objects in the list which can be added or removed
Quiz = []
#appending the question objects in the list
Quiz.append(Question("What is the capital of United States of America?",
"New York",
"Washington D.C.",
"Las Vegas",
Quiz.append(Question("How many legs does a caterpillar has?",
Quiz.append(Question("Who is the king of the jungle?",
Quiz.append(Question("What is the capital of United Kingdom?",
"Washington D.C.",
right = 0
wrong = 0
#all the questions in the list is asked
for i in Quiz:
attempts = 0
correctlyAnswered = False
#asking the correct option
answer = int(input("Enter the correct option Number: "))
attempts += 1
if(answer == i.correctOption):
#points gained if answered correctly
correctlyAnswered = True
print('\nWrong! {} attempts left!'.format(str(2-attempts)))
#if two wrong attempts are made points lost
if(attempts == 2):
print("\nYou couldn't answer")
#if that question was answered correctly points scored otherwise not
right += 1
wrong += 1
#printing the score of the quiz
print("\nFinal Score:\nRight: {}\nWrong: {}".format(str(right),str(wrong)))






Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section
Thank You!

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