
In: Computer Science

Flowchart + Python. Ask the user for a value. Then, ask the user for the number...

Flowchart + Python. Ask the user for a value. Then, ask the user for the number of expressions of that value. Use While Loops to make a program. So then, it should be so that 5 expressions for the value 9 would be:

9 * 1 = 9

9 * 2 = 18

9 * 3 = 27

9 * 4 = 36

9 * 5 = 45

Flowcharts and Python Code. Not just Python code. I cannot read handwriting. I need to declare variables. I need to avoid global variables by passing down parameters and returning the results. I need separate functions for input, every processing, and the output.


Expert Solution

According to the problem statement above,

I have coded the function using PYTHON

Below are the Snippets:

Code Snippet:

Output Snippet:


Code in Text format:

value = input("Enter Value: ")                                                       # asking user to enter value

expression = input("Enter number of Expressions: ")                                   # asking user to enter number of expressions

for i in range(1,expression + 1, 1):                                               # loop from 1 to number of expressions

   print value," * ", i, " = ", value * i                                           # printing the output as like problem statement

I hope the above snippets, information, and the explanation will help you out!

Please comment if you have any queries/errors!

Thank you!

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