
In: Computer Science

Input a phrase from the keyboard and output whether or not it is a palindrome. For...

Input a phrase from the keyboard and output whether or not it is a palindrome.

For example:

1. If the input is

Madam I'm Adam

Your output should be

"Madam, I'm Adam" is a palindrome

2. If your input is

Going to the movies?

Your output should be

"Going to the movies?" is not a palindrome

Note the quotes in the output line.

Code language java using JGrasp


Expert Solution

Program to check whether string is Palindrome or not:

Code and Screenshots are attached.

Note: Output in double quotes is important, we need to insert comma after first word if entered string is palindrome.

import java.util.*;
public class Palindrome
    // To check sentence is palindrome or not 
    static boolean checkPalindrome(String str) 
        int fromStart = 0; 
        int fromEnd = str.length()-1; 
        // Lowercase string 
        str = str.toLowerCase(); 
        // Compares character until they are equal 
        while(fromStart <= fromEnd) 
            char getAtStart = str.charAt(fromStart); 
            char getAtEnd = str.charAt(fromEnd); 
            if (!(getAtStart >= 'a' && getAtEnd <= 'z')) 
            else if(!(getAtEnd >= 'a' && getAtEnd <= 'z')) 
            // If characters are equal 
            else if( getAtStart == getAtEnd) 
            // If characters are not equal then  sentence is not a palindrome 
                return false; 
        // Returns true if  sentence is palindrome 
        return true;     
    public static void main(String[] args)  
         Scanner sc= new Scanner(; // is a standard input stream.
         System.out.print("Enter a string to check whether it is a Palindrome: ");
         String str= sc.nextLine();
          if( checkPalindrome(str)){
          if(str.contains(" ")){
           String  firstWord= null;
           firstWord= str.substring(0, str.indexOf(" "));  
            System.out.println("\""+firstWord+ ","+str.substring((firstWord.length()+1), str.length())+"\""+" is a palindrome"); 
          System.out.println("\""+ str+ "\"" + 
                                         " is not a palindrome"); 


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