In: Computer Science
Write a program that converts a total number of seconds to
hours, minutes, and seconds.
It should do the following:
Your output must be of the format:
totalSeconds seconds = numHours hours,
numMinutes minutes, and numSeconds seconds
For example:
If the user entered: 5000
Your program would output:
5000 seconds = 1 hours, 23 minutes, and 20 seconds
5000 seconds = 01h:23m:20s
Sample run would look like:
Enter the number of seconds: 5000
5000 seconds = 1 hours, 23 minutes, and 20 seconds
5000 seconds = 01h:23m:20s
Sample run would look like:
Enter the number of seconds: 3754
3754 seconds = 1 hours, 2 minutes, and 34 seconds
3754 seconds = 01h:02m:34s
Hint1:Use integer division
Hint2: Use the modulus operator
Please make sure to end each line of output with a
Please note that your class should be named
Write a program that converts change into formatted dollars and cents It should do the following:
Your output must be of the format: (plural is ok even when grammatically incorrect)
You entered: 6 quarters 5 dimes 4 nickels 3 pennies The total in dollars is $2.23
Sample run would look like:
Enter the number of quarters: 6 Enter the number of dimes: 5 Enter the number of nickels: 4 Enter the number of pennies: 3 You entered: 6 quarters 5 dimes 4 nickels 3 pennies The total in dollars is $2.23
Sample run would look like:
Enter the number of quarters: 1 Enter the number of dimes: 2 Enter the number of nickels: 3 Enter the number of pennies: 2 You entered: 1 quarters 2 dimes 3 nickels 2 pennies The total in dollars is $0.62
Hint1: Use printf and be sure to have at least 1 digit to the left of the decimal, and a max of 2 floating on the right.
Please make sure to end each line of output with a
Please note that your class should be named
Write a program that converts a temperature from
Celsius to Fahrenheit.
It should do the following:
Your prompt to the user to enter the temperature in Celsius must be: Enter the Celsius Temperature as a decimal:
Your output must be of the format: celsiusTemperature C = fahrenheitTemperature F
For example: If the user entered: 24.0
Your program would output: 24.0 C = 75.2 F
Sample run would look like:
Enter the temperature in degrees
celsius: 24
24.0 C = 75.2 F
Sample run would look like:
Enter the temperature in degrees
celsius: 7.5
7.5 C = 45.5 F
Hint1: Be careful not to use integer
Here is the formula F = ( C * 9 / 5 ) +
Hint2: Remember to use printf to format the
Please make sure to end each line of output with a newline.
Please note that your class should be named
//Java programs
import java.util.Scanner;
public class SecondsConverter {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int seconds,temp;
int h,m,s;
Scanner input = new Scanner
System.out.print("Enter the number
of seconds: ");
seconds = input.nextInt();
temp = seconds;
s = seconds%60;
m = seconds%60;
h = seconds/60;
System.out.printf("%d seconds = %d
hours, %d minutes, and %d seconds",temp,h,m,s);
System.out.printf("\n%d seconds =
//sample output
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChangeConverter {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner input = new
System.out.print("Enter the number
of quarters: ");
quarters = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number
of dimes: ");
dimes = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number
of nickels: ");
nickels = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the number
of pennies: ");
pennies = input.nextInt();
entered:\r\n" +
" %d quarters \r\n" +
" %d dimes \r\n" +
" %d nickels \r\n" +
" %d pennies\n",
float total = 25*quarters +
10*dimes + nickels*5 + pennies;
System.out.printf("The total in
dollars is $%.2f\n", total/100);
//sample output
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CelsiusToFahrenheit {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner input = new
float celcius;
System.out.print("Enter the
temperature in degrees celsius: ");
celcius = input.nextFloat();
float F = ( celcius * 9 / 5 ) + 32
System.out.printf("%.1f C = %.1f
F\n", celcius,F);
//sample output