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Python program. Write a python program that can convert any radix-d (arbitrary base) number to the...

Python program.

Write a python program that can convert any radix-d (arbitrary base) number to the equivalent radix-e (another arbitrary base) number. Where e and d are members in [2, 16]. Remember, base 16 needs to be calculated as hexadecimal. So, if radix-d is input as a hexadecimal number, it needs to convert and output to desired base. Conversely, if base 16 is the desired output, then the output needs to show a hexadecimal number.

Hints: The easiest approach is - you can convert the radix-d number to decimal one first, and then convert the decimal number to the radix-e number.


Expert Solution

innitvar = raw_input("Please enter a number: ")
basevar = int(raw_input("Please enter the base that your number is in: "))
convertvar = int(raw_input("Please enter the base that you would like to convert to: "))

# Create a symbol-to-value table.
SY2VA = {'0': 0,
         '1': 1,
         '2': 2,
         '3': 3,
         '4': 4,
         '5': 5,
         '6': 6,
         '7': 7,
         '8': 8,
         '9': 9,
         'A': 10,
         'B': 11,
         'C': 12,
         'D': 13,
         'E': 14,
         'F': 15,
         'G': 16,
         'H': 17,
         'I': 18,
         'J': 19,
         'K': 20,
         'L': 21,
         'M': 22,
         'N': 23,
         'O': 24,
         'P': 25,
         'Q': 26,
         'R': 27,
         'S': 28,
         'T': 29,
         'U': 30,
         'V': 31,
         'W': 32,
         'X': 33,
         'Y': 34,
         'Z': 35,
         'a': 36,
         'b': 37,
         'c': 38,
         'd': 39,
         'e': 40,
         'f': 41,
         'g': 42,
         'h': 43,
         'i': 44,
         'j': 45,
         'k': 46,
         'l': 47,
         'm': 48,
         'n': 49,
         'o': 50,
         'p': 51,
         'q': 52,
         'r': 53,
         's': 54,
         't': 55,
         'u': 56,
         'v': 57,
         'w': 58,
         'x': 59,
         'y': 60,
         'z': 61,
         '!': 62,
         '"': 63,
         '#': 64,
         '$': 65,
         '%': 66,
         '&': 67,
         "'": 68,
         '(': 69,
         ')': 70,
         '*': 71,
         '+': 72,
         ',': 73,
         '-': 74,
         '.': 75,
         '/': 76,
         ':': 77,
         ';': 78,
         '<': 79,
         '=': 80,
         '>': 81,
         '?': 82,
         '@': 83,
         '[': 84,
         '\\': 85,
         ']': 86,
         '^': 87,
         '_': 88,
         '`': 89,
         '{': 90,
         '|': 91,
         '}': 92,
         '~': 93}

# Take a string and base to convert to.
# Allocate space to store your number.
# For each character in your string:
#     Ensure character is in your table.
#     Find the value of your character.
#     Ensure value is within your base.
#     Self-multiply your number with the base.
#     Self-add your number with the digit's value.
# Return the number.

integer = 0
for character in innitvar:
    assert character in SY2VA, 'Found unknown character!'
    value = SY2VA[character]
    assert value < basevar, 'Found digit outside base!'
    integer *= basevar
    integer += value

# Create a value-to-symbol table.
VA2SY = dict(map(reversed, SY2VA.items()))

# Take a integer and base to convert to.
# Create an array to store the digits in.
# While the integer is not zero:
#     Divide the integer by the base to:
#         (1) Find the "last" digit in your number (value).
#         (2) Store remaining number not "chopped" (integer).
#     Save the digit in your storage array.
# Return your joined digits after putting them in the right order.

array = []
while integer:
    integer, value = divmod(integer, convertvar)
answer = ''.join(reversed(array))

# Display the results of the calculations.
print answer

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