
In: Computer Science

Python 3 Write the definition of a function that take one number, that represents a temperature...

Python 3

  1. Write the definition of a function that take one number, that represents a temperature in Fahrenheit and prints the equivalent temperature in degrees Celsius.
  2. Write the definition of another function that takes one number, that represents speed in miles/hour and prints the equivalent speed in meters/second.
  3. Write the definition of a function named main. It takes no input, hence empty parenthesis, and does the following:
    - prints Enter 1 to convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius
    - prints on the next line, Enter 2 to convert speed from miles per hour to meters per second.
    -take the input, lets call this main input, and if it is 1, get one input then call the function of step 1 and pass it the input.
    - if main input is 2, get one more input and call the function of step 2.
    - if main input is neither 1 or 2, print an error message.
  4. After you complete the definition of the function main, write a statement to call main.

Below is an example of how the code should look like:

#Sample Code by Student Name
#Created on Some Date
#Last Edit on Another Date

def func1(x):
def func2(y):
print(' ')

def main():
func1('hello world')
func2('hello again')

#below we start all the action

Remember to add comments, and that style and best practices will counts towards the points.
A program that just "works" is not a guarantee for full credit.


Expert Solution

Program Code Screenshot:

Sample Output

Program Code to Copy

def func1(f):
#Convert Fahrenheit to Degrees
print(str(f)+'F is '+str((f-32)*100/180)+'C')

def func2(m):
#Convert miles to meter per second
print(str(m)+'miles per hour is '+str(m*1.6*5/18)+' meter per second')

def main():
print('Enter 1 to convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius')
print('Enter 2 to convert speed from miles per hour to meters per second')
#Prompt for choice
c = int(input())
if c is 1:
#Prompt for fahrenheit
f = float(input())
elif c is 2:
#Prompt for miles per hour
m = float(input())
print('Invalid input')


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