
In: Operations Management

the US work culture ranks is very high on Hofstede's individualism vs. collectivism (toward individualism). this...

the US work culture ranks is very high on Hofstede's individualism vs. collectivism (toward individualism). this would seem to suggest American work culture resists teamwork in favour of individual work. do you think that's the case? why do you think some people resist the idea of working in teams? how do you feel about working in teams?


Expert Solution

The United States scores 91 on Hofstede's national cultural dimensions which is a very strong score and makes a country very individualistic in character and drives a group to develop what is referred to as "I" mentality. This makes American work culture adopt what is best for the individual needs not what is best for the group but it does not necessarily mean that people will resist groups altogether, it only means that strong individual ways of approaching problems will prevail to achieve what is best for the individual and therefore the whole group.

The culture of the United States and those of their workplaces are developed and packed in such a way that makes them pose as very loosely-knit wherein there is always the craving to look after themselves and their immediate families only without relying too much on others for support. The strong individualistic rating and the craving for being independent Americans makes them do their business or interact with the people whom they don't really know. It also does not make them introvert or shy from reaching other people for sharing or obtaining information that they consider very important.  In the workplace of the United States, employees display initiative and try to be self-reliant which makes them reduce the importance of informal groups.

Some people resist the notion of working in teams because:

  • People may resist the idea of working in teams because the culture is predominantly sharing an individualistic culture and place the importance of individual achievement. Individualistic people will find the notion of teams trying and hard.
  • People who are introverts and do not have strong interpersonal communication skills that is considered vital in any team.
  • People may resist groups because they are of the opinion that it slows their productivity and they can achieve much more than what they will achieve in groups.
  • Incompatibility offered by the group because the group is having one predominant ideology which is not in sync with those who are resisting this group.

Working in teams has several benefits and adds to the productivity of the group but this is not always universal and may need a strong contextual analysis to understand if working in groups or working individually is a great idea. Personally, I have always enjoyed working in groups because I feel it not only improves your productivity but provides strong support, morally or otherwise. When you work in teams, you get to relate with people and share your feelings and get to know how you have a shared purpose. Man is a social animal and the need for belongingness has always been absolute and the most looked after need but still working in teams or otherwise should always be a personal choice and not the one that is enforced on people because the more you enforce someone into something which is not their craving, it will hit their performance, motivation and morale.

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