In: Psychology
What should you do to further develop your soft skills and technical skills in gym workout?
The soft skills and technical skills needed for a gym workout could be as follows:
- perfecting the delivery. It is
important how a gym trainer delivers his ideas to the client, so
that the client feels comfortable in working with the
- reflecting on how the session went. It is important that careful
attention be placed onto every client and the trainer should
identify the ways in which a session could go better. This would
help improve efficiency in further sessions.
- was the client comfortable enough to share their queries and
problems with you. It is important to keep the clients needs at the
- communication with the client doesn't only include talking. It is
also important that the conversation is a two way streak. Not only
does the trainer needs to listen to the client, they also need to
understand their needs.
- Also, the trainer needs to be able
to understand the learning method that is most suitable to their
client. Not everyone learns in the same way or same manner. The
trainer needs to be adaptable while switching between clients and
from one session to the other.
- it is important to be empathetic. The trainer needs to understand
that the client might be body conscious and hence, they need to
take care to not touch the sensitive nerves.
- honesty and integrity is an important aspect. Not every person's
body reacts in the same manner. Hence, it is important that the
client be informed about their goals. Goals should be such that
they would be realistic without drawing a comparison between two
- also, it is required that the trainer be adaptable. If a plan is
once set, and it is not coming into progress, it would be better to
switch to something that is more adaptable and would be bringing
better results.