Design a Mealy state diagram for a sequence detector that has a
single input and a single output. The output is to be “1” unless
the input has been “0” for four consecutive clock pulses or “1” for
three consecutive pulses. Implement your design using D flip-flops
and any logic gates. Assume non-overlapping input sequences are to
be detected.
1. Design a sequence detector, a Mealy finite state machine to
detect the serial bit sequence 1101, where the most significant bit
(MSB) comes first and the least significant bit comes last.
A) Draw the state diagram
B) Draw the state table
C) The circuit is to be implemented using JK flip-flops and
combinational logic circuit. Derive the Boolean expression
necessary for this implementation.
D) Sketch the circuit diagram for your design. This should show
all the flipflops, logic gates...
1. Using Moore machine approach design a sequence detector with
one input and one output. When input sequence 010 occurs the output
becomes 1 and remains 1 until the sequence 010 occurs again in
which case the
output returns to 0. The output remains 0 until, 010 occurs the
third time, and so on. Your design should be able to handle
overlapping sequences, i.e., input sequence 11001010100 should
produce the output 00000110011.
Implement your detector using D flip-flops and the...
for this set of assignment, Moore state
Design a sequence detector to detect "001", where 0 arrives
first, then 0, then 1. You need to show the test sequences you used
to confirm that your state diagram is operating correctly. When the
complete "001" sequence has been detected, the output goes high.
Otherwise, the output stays at zero.
Shows your state diagram, state table, encoded state table (use
minimized bit encoding), logic equations, and logic circuit. (30
Design a counter using JK Flip Flops and Gates, that counts
3,1,4,2,9,2,2,4 using a Moore Machine. Show Moore machine state
diagram, state table and cirucit.
You are to design two CONCEPUTALLY different synchronous state
machines (Mealy and Moore) that perform the task described below.
You are allowed to use any type of flip-flop. However, I recommend
that you use either JK or D flip-flops. There is a game called
screwball. Every time a ball is put into play either player 1 (P1)
scores a point or player 2 (P2) scores a point. A winner is
declared when one player is ahead by 2 points. Starting...
Design a sequence detector to detect either 01 or 10 sequences.
Include a reset state. Show the state transition diagram,
state table, K-maps, and complete circuit.