
In: Computer Science

Programming Language: C# CheckingAccount class You will implement the CheckingAccount Class in Visual Studio. This is...

Programming Language: C#

CheckingAccount class

You will implement the CheckingAccount Class in Visual Studio. This is a sub class is derived from the Account class and implements the ITransaction interface. There are two class variables i.e. variables that are shared but all the objects of this class. A short description of the class members is given below:




$- COST_PER_TRANSACTION = 0.05 : double

$- INTEREST_RATE = 0.005 : double

- hasOverdraft: bool


+ «Constructor» CheckingAccount(balance = 0 : double, hasOverdraft = false: bool)

+ Deposit(amount : double, person : Person) : void

+ Withdraw(amount : double, person : Person) : void

+ PrepareMonthlyReport(amount : double, person : Person) : void


  1. COST_PER_TRANSACTION – this is a class variable of type double representing the unit cost per transaction. All of the objects on this class will have the same value. This class variable is initialized to 0.05.
  2. INTEREST_RATE – this is a class variable of type double representing the annual interest rate. All of the objects on this class will have the same value. This class variable is initialized to 0.005.
  3. hasOverdraft – this is a bool indicating if the balance on this account can be less than zero. This private instance variable is set in the constructor.


  1. public CheckingAccount( double balance = 0, bool hasOverdraft = false ) – This public constructor takes a parameter of type double representing the starting balance of the account and a bool indicating if this account has over draft permission. The constructor does the following:
    1. It invokes the base constructor with the string “CK-” and the appropriate argument.
    2. Assigns the hasOverdraft argument to the appropriate field.
  2. This definition hides the corresponding member in the parent class because the base class implementation is needed for this method as well as the Withdraw() method

    public new void Deposit( double amount, Person person ) – this public method takes two arguments: a double representing the amount to be deposited and a person object representing the person do the transaction. The method does the following:
    1. Calls the Deposit() method of the base class with the appropriate arguments
  3. public void Withdraw( double amount, Person person ) – this public method takes two arguments: a double representing the amount to be withdrawn and a person object representing the person do the transaction. The method does the following:
    1. Throws an AccountException object if this person in not associated with this account.
    2. Throws an AccountException object if this person in not logged in.
    3. Throws an AccountException object if the withdrawal amount is greater than the balance and there is no overdraft facility.
    4. Otherwise it calls the Deposit() method of the base class with the appropriate arguments (you will send negative of the amount)
  4. public override void PrepareMonthlyReport( ) – this public method override the method of the base class with the same name. The method does the following:
    1. Calculate the service charge by multiplying the number of transactions by the COST_PER_TRANSACTION (how can you find out the number of transactions?)
    2. Calculate the interest by multiplying the LowestBalance by the INTEREST_RATE and then dividing by 12
    3. Update the Balance by adding the interest and subtracting the service charge
    4. In a real-world application, the transaction objects would be archived before clearing.

      transactions is re-initialized (use the Clear() method of the list class)

This method does not take any parameter nor does it display anything

SavingAccount class

You will implement the SavingAccount Class in Visual Studio. This is a sub class derived from the Account class and implements the ITransaction interface. Again, there are two class variables. A short description of the class members is given below:



→ Account, ITransaction



$- INTEREST_RATE : double


+ «Constructor» SavingAccount(balance = 0 : double)

+ Deposit(amount : double, person : Person) : void

+ Withdraw(amount : double, person : Person) : void

+ PrepareMonthlyReport(amount : double, person : Person) : void


  1. COST_PER_TRANSACTION – this is a class variable of type double representing the unit cost per transaction. All of the objects on this class will have the same value. This class variable is initialized to 0.05.
  2. INTEREST_RATE – this is a class variable of type double representing the annual interest rate. All of the objects on this class will have the same value. This class variable is initialized to 0.015.


  1. public SavingAccount( double balance = 0 ) – This public constructor takes a parameter of type double representing the starting balance of the account. The constructor does the following:
    1. It invokes the base constructor with the string “SV-” and its argument.
  2. public new void Deposit( double amount, Person person ) – this public method takes two arguments: a double representing the amount to be deposited and a person object representing the person do the transaction. The method calls the Deposit() method of the base class with the appropriate arguments.
  3. public void Withdraw( double amount, Person person ) – this public method takes two arguments: a double representing the amount to be withdrawn and a person object representing the person do the transaction. The method does the following:
    1. Throws an AccountException object if this person in not associated with this account.
    2. Throws an AccountException object if this person in not logged in.
    3. Throws an AccountException object if the intended withdrawal amount exceeds the balance.
    4. Otherwise it calls the Deposit() method of the base class with the appropriate arguments (you will send negative of the amount)
  4. public override void PrepareMonthlyReport( ) – this public method override the method of the base class with the same name. The method does the following:
    1. Calculate the service charge by multiplying the number of transactions by the COST_PER_TRANSACTION (how can you find out the number of transactions?)
    2. Calculate the interest by multiplying the LowestBalance by the INTEREST_RATE and then dividing by 12
    3. Update the Balance by adding the interest and subtracting the service charge
    4. transactions is re-initialized (use the Clear() method of the list class)

This method does not take any parameters, nor does it display anything


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C# and appropriate comments provided for better understanding:

Here I am attaching code for these files:

  • main.cs
  • Bank.cs
  • Person.cs
  • Account.cs
  • SavingAccount.cs
  • CheckingAccount.cs
  • Transaction.cs
  • VisaAccount.cs
  • AccountException.cs

Source code for main.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("---- START RUNING CODE FROM PROGRAM.CS -----");

//testing the visa account
Console.WriteLine("\nAll acounts:");
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED PRINT ACCOUNTS -----");

Console.WriteLine("\nAll Users:");
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED PRINT PERSONS -----");

Person p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10;
p0 = Bank.GetPerson("Narendra");
p1 = Bank.GetPerson("Ilia");
p2 = Bank.GetPerson("Tom");
p3 = Bank.GetPerson("Syed");
p4 = Bank.GetPerson("Arben");
p5 = Bank.GetPerson("Patrick");
p6 = Bank.GetPerson("Yin");
p7 = Bank.GetPerson("Hao");
p8 = Bank.GetPerson("Jake");
p9 = Bank.GetPerson("Joanne");
p10 = Bank.GetPerson("Nicoletta");
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED PERSON REQUEST -----");

Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED LOGINS -----");

//a visa account
VisaAccount a = Bank.GetAccount("VS-100000") as VisaAccount;
a.DoPayment(1500, p0);
a.DoPurchase(200, p1);
a.DoPurchase(25, p2);
a.DoPurchase(15, p0);
a.DoPurchase(39, p1);
a.DoPayment(400, p0);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR VS-100000 -----");

VisaAccount aa = (VisaAccount)Bank.GetAccount("VS-100001");
aa.DoPayment(500, p0);
aa.DoPurchase(25, p3);
aa.DoPurchase(20, p4);
aa.DoPurchase(15, p5);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR VS-100001 -----");

//a saving account
ITransaction b = Bank.GetAccount("SV-100002") as ITransaction;
b.Withdraw(300, p6);
b.Withdraw(32.90, p6);
b.Withdraw(50, p7);
b.Withdraw(111.11, p8);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100002 -----");

b = (SavingAccount)Bank.GetAccount("SV-100003");
b.Deposit(300, p3); //ok even though p3 is not a holder
b.Deposit(32.90, p2);
b.Deposit(50, p5);
b.Withdraw(111.11, p10);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100003 -----");

//a checking account
ITransaction c = Bank.GetAccount("CK-100004") as ITransaction;
c.Deposit(33.33, p7);
c.Deposit(40.44, p7);
c.Withdraw(150, p2);
c.Withdraw(200, p4);
c.Withdraw(645, p6);
c.Withdraw(350, p6);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100004 -----");

c = Bank.GetAccount("CK-100005") as ITransaction;
c.Deposit(33.33, p8);
c.Deposit(40.44, p7);
c.Withdraw(450, p10);
c.Withdraw(500, p8);
c.Withdraw(645, p10);
c.Withdraw(850, p10);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100005 -----");

a = Bank.GetAccount("VS-100006") as VisaAccount;
a.DoPayment(700, p0);
a.DoPurchase(20, p3);
a.DoPurchase(10, p1);
a.DoPurchase(15, p1);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100006 -----");

b = (ITransaction)Bank.GetAccount("SV-100007");
b.Deposit(300, p3); //ok even though p3 is not a holder b.Deposit(32.90, p2);
b.Deposit(50, p5);
b.Withdraw(111.11, p7);
Console.WriteLine("----- PASSED TRANSACTIONS FOR SV-100007 -----");

//The following will cause exception
p8.Login("911"); //incorrect password
catch (AccountException e)

a.DoPurchase(12.5, p3); //exception user is not logged in
catch (AccountException e)

a.DoPurchase(12.5, p0); //user is not associated with this account
catch (AccountException e)

a.DoPurchase(5825, p4); //credit limit exceeded
catch (AccountException e)

c.Withdraw(1500, p6); //no overdraft
catch (AccountException e)

Bank.GetAccount("CK-100018"); //account does not exist
catch (AccountException e)

Bank.GetPerson("Trudeau"); //user does not exist
catch (AccountException e)

foreach (Account account in Bank.ACCOUNTS)
Console.WriteLine("\nBefore PrepareMonthlyReport()");
Console.WriteLine("\nAfter PrepareMonthlyReport()");
account.PrepareMonthlyReport(); //all transactions are cleared, balance changes

Source code for Bank.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
static class Bank
// fields properties
public static readonly List<Account> ACCOUNTS;
public static readonly List<Person> USERS;

// constructor
static Bank()
//initialize the USERS collection
USERS = new List<Person>()
new Person("Narendra", "1234-5678"), //0
new Person("Ilia", "2345-6789"), //1
new Person("Tom", "3456-7890"), //2
new Person("Syed", "4567-8901"), //3
new Person("Arben", "5678-9012"), //4
new Person("Patrick", "6789-0123"), //5
new Person("Yin", "7890-1234"), //6
new Person("Hao", "8901-2345"), //7
new Person("Jake", "9012-3456"), //8
new Person("Joanne", "1224-5678"), //9
new Person("Nicoletta", "2344-6789"), //10

//initialize the ACCOUNTS collection
ACCOUNTS = new List<Account>()
new VisaAccount(), //VS-100000
new VisaAccount(150, -500), //VS-100001
new SavingAccount(5000), //SV-100002
new SavingAccount(), //SV-100003
new CheckingAccount(2000), //CK-100004
new CheckingAccount(1500, true), //CK-100005
new VisaAccount(50, -550), //VS-100006
new SavingAccount(1000), //SV-100007

//associate users with accounts








// methods - acitons
public static void PrintAccounts()
foreach (Account account in ACCOUNTS)

public static void PrintPersons()
foreach (Person person in USERS)

public static Person GetPerson(string name)
foreach (Person person in USERS)
if (person.Name == name)
return person;
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST);

public static Account GetAccount(string number)
foreach (Account account in ACCOUNTS)
if (account.Number == number)
return account;
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST);

Source code for ​​​​​​​Person.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
class Person
// fields and properties for person object
private string password;
public string SIN { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public bool IsAuthenticated { get; private set; }

// constructor for person object
public Person(string name, string SIN)
Name = name;
this.SIN = SIN;
password = SIN.Substring(0,3);

// methods - actions of the person class
public void Login(string password)
if (password != this.password)
IsAuthenticated = false;
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.PASSWORD_INCORRECT);
IsAuthenticated = true;
Console.WriteLine($"{Name,-15}\thas logged IN.");
catch (Exception ex)


public void Logout()
IsAuthenticated = false;
Console.WriteLine($"{Name,-15}\thas logged OUT.");

public override string ToString()
return $"{Name}";

Source code for ​​​​​​​Account.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
abstract class Account
// fields and properties for the account class
public readonly List<Person> users = new List<Person>();
public readonly List<Transaction> transactions = new List<Transaction>();
private static int LAST_NUMBER = 100_000;
public double Balance { get; protected set; }
public double LowestBalance { get; protected set; }
public string Number { get; }

// constructor of the account class
public Account(string type, double balance)
Number = $"{type}{LAST_NUMBER}";
Balance = balance;
LowestBalance = balance;

// methos - actions of the account class
public void Deposit(double amount, Person person)
Balance += amount;
if (Balance < LowestBalance)
LowestBalance = Balance;
transactions.Add(new Transaction(Number, amount, person, DateTime.Now));

public void AddUser(Person person)
users.Add(new Person(person.Name, person.SIN));

public bool IsUser(string name)
foreach (Person person in users)
if (person.Name == name)
return true;
return false;

public abstract void PrepareMonthlyReport();

public override string ToString()
return $"\n--- ACCOUNT INFO:\n" +
$"Account Number:\t{Number}\n" +
$"Users:\t\t{string.Join(", ", users)}\n" +

Source code for ​​​​​​​SavingAccount.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
class SavingAccount : Account, ITransaction
// fields and properties of the saving account class
private double COST_PER_TRANSACTION = 0.05;
private double INTEREST_RATE = 0.015;

// constructor for the savings account class
public SavingAccount(double balance = 0) : base("SV-", balance)

// methods - acitons of the sabings account class
public new void Deposit(double amount, Person person)
base.Deposit(amount, person);

public void Withdraw(double amount, Person person)
// throwing exceptions as rules specifies
if (users.Contains<Person>(person) == true)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NAME_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ACCOUNT); // exceptions are brought from exceptions class
else if (person.IsAuthenticated == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
else if (amount > Balance)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NO_OVERDRAFT);
base.Deposit(amount * -1, person); // -1 to withdraw the amount of the account
catch (Exception ex)

public override void PrepareMonthlyReport()
double serviceCharge, interests;
serviceCharge = COST_PER_TRANSACTION * transactions.Count;
interests = INTEREST_RATE * LowestBalance / 12;
Balance = Balance + interests - serviceCharge;

Source code for ​​​​​​​CheckingAccount.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
class CheckingAccount : Account, ITransaction
// fields and properties of the checking account class
private double COST_PER_TRANSACTION = 0.05;
private double INTEREST_RATE = 0.005;
private bool hasOverDraft;

// constructor of the checking account class
public CheckingAccount(double balance = 0, bool hasOverDraft = false) : base("CK-", balance) // takes the arguments from the parent class 'account'
this.hasOverDraft = hasOverDraft;

// mthods - actions of the checking account class
public new void Deposit(double amount, Person person)
base.Deposit(amount, person); // calls the deposit method from the parent class

public void Withdraw(double amount, Person person)
// throwing exceptions as rules specifies
if (users.Contains<Person>(person) == true)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NAME_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ACCOUNT); // exceptions are brought from exceptions class
else if (person.IsAuthenticated == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
else if (amount > Balance || hasOverDraft == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NO_OVERDRAFT);
base.Deposit(amount * -1, person); // -1 to withdraw the amount of the account
catch (Exception ex)

public override void PrepareMonthlyReport()
double serviceCharge, interests;
serviceCharge = COST_PER_TRANSACTION * transactions.Count;
interests = INTEREST_RATE * LowestBalance / 12;
Balance = Balance + interests - serviceCharge;


Source code for ​​​​​​​Transaction.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
// interface for the transaction class
interface ITransaction
void Withdraw(double amount, Person person);
void Deposit(double amount, Person person);

class Transaction
// flieds and properties of the class transactions
public string AccountNumber { get; }
public double Amount { get; }
public Person Originator { get; }
public DateTime Time { get; }

// constructor for the transaction class
public Transaction(string accountNumber, double amount, Person person, DateTime time)
AccountNumber = accountNumber;
Amount = amount;
Originator = person;
Time = time;

// methods - actions for the transaction class
public override string ToString()
return $"\n--- TRANSACTION INFO:\n" +
$"Date:\t\t\t{Time.ToShortTimeString()}\n" +
$"Name:\t\t\t{Originator}\n" +
$"Account Number:\t\t{AccountNumber}\n" +


Source code for ​​​​​​​VisaAccount.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
class VisaAccount : Account, ITransaction
// fields and properties of visa account class
private double creditLimit;
private double INTEREST_RATE = 0.1995;

// constructor for visa account class
public VisaAccount(double balance = 0, double creditLimit = 1200) : base("VS-", balance)
this.creditLimit = creditLimit;

// methods - acitons of the sabings account class
public void DoPayment(double amount, Person person)
base.Deposit(amount, person);

public void DoPurchase(double amount, Person person)
// throwing exceptions as rules specifies
// for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++)
if (users.Contains<Person>(person) == true)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NAME_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ACCOUNT); // exceptions are brought from exceptions class
else if (person.IsAuthenticated == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
else if (amount > creditLimit)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.CREDIT_LIMIT_HAS_BEEN_EXCEEDED);
base.Deposit(-amount, person); // -1 to withdraw the amount of the account
catch (Exception ex)

void ITransaction.Deposit(double amount, Person person)
base.Deposit(amount, person);

void ITransaction.Withdraw(double amount, Person person)
// throwing exceptions as rules specifies
if (users.Contains<Person>(person) == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.NAME_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_ACCOUNT); // exceptions are brought from exceptions class
else if (person.IsAuthenticated == false)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN);
else if (amount > Balance)
throw new AccountException(ExceptionEnum.CREDIT_LIMIT_HAS_BEEN_EXCEEDED);
base.Deposit(-amount, person); // -1 to withdraw the amount of the account

public override void PrepareMonthlyReport()
double interests;
interests = INTEREST_RATE * LowestBalance / 12;
Balance = Balance - interests;

Source code for ​​​​​​​AccountException.cs:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Assignment04_BankApp
public enum ExceptionEnum
class AccountException : Exception
public AccountException(ExceptionEnum reason) : base(reason.ToString())

Sample Output Screenshots:

Hope it helps, if you like the answer give it a thumbs up. Thank you.

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