
In: Computer Science

Using Visual Studio in C#; create a grading application for a class of ten students. The...

Using Visual Studio in C#; create a grading application for a class of ten students. The application should request the names of the students in the class. Students take three exams worth 100 points each in the class. The application should receive the grades for each student and calculate the student’s average exam grade. According to the average, the application should display the student’s name and the letter grade for the class using the grading scheme below. Grading Scheme: • A = 90-100 • B = 80-89 • C = 70-79 • D = 60-69 • F = <60


Expert Solution

Create a C# console application with the name GradingApplication, add the below code in Program.cs


using System;

namespace GradingApplication
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //variable declarations
            string[] stuNames = new string[10];
            double[,] stuGrades = new double[10, 3];
            double[] stuAverage = new double[10];
            double grade, sum, avg;
            //run a loop that reads names and grade points of 10 students
            for(int i = 0; i < stuNames.Length;i++)
                //prompt and read student name
                Console.Write("Enter the of student#" + (i + 1) + ": ");
                stuNames[i] = Console.ReadLine();
                //set sum to 0
                sum = 0;
                //run a loop to read grade points of three exams
                for(int j = 0; j < 3;j++)
                    //prompt and read grade points received for each exam
                    Console.Write("Enter grade points received for exam #" + (j + 1) + ": ");
                    grade = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                    //check if grade point entered is between 0 and 100
                    while (grade < 0 || grade > 100)
                        //if not within range display error message
                        Console.WriteLine("Error: Grade points must be between 0 and 100");
                        //reprompt for grade points received
                        Console.Write("Enter grade points received for exam #" + (j + 1) + ": ");
                        grade = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
                    stuGrades[i, j] = grade;
                    //add the grade to sum
                    sum = sum + grade;
                avg = sum / 3.0;
                stuAverage[i] = avg;
            Console.WriteLine("Student Name\t\tLetter Grade Received");
            //run a loop to get average of each student and determine the letter grade received
            for(int i = 0; i < stuAverage.Length; i++)
                //display the student name
                //display A if average is between 100 and 90
                if (stuAverage[i] >= 90 && stuAverage[i] <= 100)
                //display B if average is between 80 and 89
                else if (stuAverage[i] >= 80 && stuAverage[i] <= 89)
                //display C if average is between 70 and 79
                else if (stuAverage[i] >= 70 && stuAverage[i] <= 79)
                //display D if average is between 60 and 69
                else if (stuAverage[i] >= 60 && stuAverage[i] <= 69)
                //else display F
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");


Program Screenshot:

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