
In: Computer Science

Objectives: 1. To get familiar with C# programming language 2. To get familiar with Visual Studio...

1. To get familiar with C# programming language
2. To get familiar with Visual Studio development environment
3. To practice on writing a C# program
Task 1: Create documentation for the following program which includes the following:
a. Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
b. Use Case
Task 2: Write a syntactically and semantically correct C# program that models telephones. Your program has to be
a C# Console Application. You will not implement classes in this program other than the class which runs the main
The main() method
Use a do while loop to prompt for telephone data by calling an inputPhone( ) method which you will implement and
is explained below. Please do not change the signature of the method!
You will need parallel arrays to telephone data.
Once done with data entry, output the telephone data stored in arrays by invoking an outputPhones( ) method as
described below. Again, do not change the signature of the method!
The inputPhone() method
The method signature is
static void inputPhone(ref string manufacturer, ref string model,
ref bool hasCord, ref double price)
It prompts the user for the telephone manufacturer’s name, phone model, price and whether it has a cord (refer to
the sample run output below). Store the entered values in the parameters. You may use Convert.ToDouble( ) to
convert a string to a double number.
Have you noticed that all parameters are reference parameters?
The outputPhones() method
The method signature is
static void outputPhones(string [] manufacturers, string [] models,
bool [] hasCords, double [] prices, int numberOfPhones)
The last parameter contains the number of the telephones to be displayed.
You code need to output the heading, and use a for loop to output the telephone data stored in the arrays passed to
the method. The format of the output is shown in the sample run output.
Refer to the sample run output for details.
Note: Please follow the coding style of C#


Sample Output:

Enter the Phone Manufacturer: VTech
Enter the Phone Model: V3399
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Price: $49.99
Would like to process another phone? [Y or N]: Y
Enter the Phone Manufacturer: AT&T
Enter the Phone Model: T-9898
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: N
Enter the Phone Price: $29.98
Would like to process another phone? [Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Manufacturer: Panasonic
Enter the Phone Model: P 4321
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: Y
Enter the Phone Price: $98.97
Would like to process another phone? [Y or N]: n
Output of Telephones
=== Phone #1 ===
Manufacturer: VTech
Model: V3399
Cordless: Yes
Price: $49.99
=== Phone #2 ===
Manufacturer: AT&T
Model: T-9898
Cordless: No
Price: $29.98
=== Phone #3 ===
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: P 4321
Cordless: Yes
Price: $98.97
A total of 3 telephones
Press any key to continue . . .


Expert Solution



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TelephoneModels
    class Program
        //Main method
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Variables for user input
            char ch=' ';
            string manufacturer="", model="";
            double price=0;
            bool hasCord=false;
            //Storage arrays
            string[] manufactureDetails, modelDetails;
            double[] priceDetails;
            bool[] hascordDetails;
            //List use for getting dynamic arrays
            List<string> man = new List<string>(), mod = new List<string>();
            List<double> pr=new List<double>();
            List<bool> cord=new List<bool>();
            //Loop until user wishes
                //Call function to get input from user
                inputPhone(ref manufacturer,ref model,ref hasCord,ref price);
                Console.Write("Would like to process another phone?[Y or N]: ");
                ch = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
            } while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y');
            //Convert into array
            manufactureDetails = man.ToArray();
            modelDetails = mod.ToArray();
            priceDetails = pr.ToArray();
            hascordDetails = cord.ToArray();
            //Call method to display output
            outputPhones(manufactureDetails, modelDetails, hascordDetails, priceDetails, manufactureDetails.Length);
        //Method to get input of phone details from user
        //Prompt for each details and add correspoding values into reference variables
        static void inputPhone(ref string manufacturer, ref string model, ref bool hasCord, ref double price)
            Console.Write("Enter the Phone Manufacturer: ");
            manufacturer = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter the Phone Model: ");
            model = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Is it cordless? [Y or N]: ");
            char isCord = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
            if (isCord == 'Y' || isCord == 'y')
                hasCord = true;
                hasCord = false;
            Console.Write("\nEnter the Phone Price: $");
            price = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
        //Function to display phone etails
        static void outputPhones(string[] manufacturers, string[] models,bool[] hasCords, double[] prices, int numberOfPhones)
            int cntr = 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Output of Telephones");
            for(int i = 0; i < numberOfPhones; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("=== Phone #" + cntr + " ===");
                Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer: " + manufacturers[i]);
                Console.WriteLine("Model: " + models[i]);
                if (hasCords[i])
                    Console.WriteLine("Cordless: Yes");
                    Console.WriteLine("Cordless: No");
                Console.WriteLine("Price: $" + prices[i]);
            Console.WriteLine("A total of " + numberOfPhones + " telephones");



Enter the Phone Manufacturer: VTech
Enter the Phone Model: V3399
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Price: $49.99
Would like to process another phone?[Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Manufacturer: At&T
Enter the Phone Model: T-9898
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: n
Enter the Phone Price: $29.98
Would like to process another phone?[Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Manufacturer: Panasonic
Enter the Phone Model: P 4321
Is it cordless? [Y or N]: y
Enter the Phone Price: $98.97
Would like to process another phone?[Y or N]: n
Output of Telephones
=== Phone #1 ===
Manufacturer: VTech
Model: V3399
Cordless: Yes
Price: $49.99
=== Phone #2 ===
Manufacturer: At&T
Model: T-9898
Cordless: No
Price: $29.98
=== Phone #3 ===
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model: P 4321
Cordless: Yes
Price: $98.97
A total of 3 telephones
Press any key to continue . . .

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