In: Psychology
Discussion 2 - An Integrative Approach to Psychopathology:
Can you think of any cases of psychopathology that would have a unidimensional explanation?
How do genes interact with environmental factors to affect behavior? What are some disorders that seem primarily biological in their origins? Are there any that seem primarily environmental? Please discuss the science around disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in which interactions between biology and environment determine outcome.
What are some ways in which suppression of an emotion might lead to a negative health outcome?
Ans. 1
There are many cases come to the knowledge in which we cannot be able to identify the position of the patient, according to DSM-IV and ICD-10, we need to identify some particular symptoms and time period so that we can identify the problem or disorder but many people experience a different kind of symptoms so that we could not explain them in any particular dimensional approach.
Ans. 2
According to Woodworth and Marquis, the interaction between genes and environment develops our unique behavior, a child is like a plant so we need to give them a good environment as well as good breed. Genes give us some specific characteristics like beauty, color, etc. while our core and social development depend on the environment.
There are many disorder which affects a person from birth till death, all these hereditary diseases caused by the malfunction in cell division, downs syndrome, Angel-man syndrome, Cana van disease etc. are caused by genetic malfunction during cell division.
Ans. 3
The biological approach describes the mental disorder as psychological problems like hormonal problems, neurological dysfunction while psychological approach describes these disorder in particular manners. The schizophrenia and Bi-polar disorder are widely known mental disorders, recent researchers show that these disorders also belong to neurological problems. Hyper or Hyposecretion of some particular neurotransmitters like GABA, Epinephrine, Dopamine, and Serotonin can cause these disorders, while the genetic transfer also can cause these type of disorders. Our environment also affects our mental conditions which can be caused mental problems like acute stress, depression, mood disorders etc. so that we can identify these problems as psycho-physical problems.
Ans. 4
The emotional development is very important to us to find a particular space in society, William McDougall described the relation between emotions and physical problems. The emotion can cause health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure problems, memory loss etc.
Emotions caused internal and external biological changes like increased rate of heartbeat, decision-making deficiency, oversecretion of adrenaline hormone affects our health which caused by emotional imbalances so that we can say that emotions might lead to negative health outcomes.