
In: Operations Management

Subject: Organizaitonal Behavior Question 01: Explain in detail the difference between groups and teams for any...

Subject: Organizaitonal Behavior

Question 01: Explain in detail the difference between groups and teams for any project in your organization.

Question 02: Summarize the positive and negative impact of individual behavior on overall group and team performances. (7marks)



Note: The assignment should be in a form of a comprehensive report and it must include the following points:

·         Proper introduction

·         Body of the report equipped with relevant knowledge and discussion

·         Conclusion of the report relevant to the discussion

·         Proper references.


Expert Solution

1. Group and Team are very common form of collection of a set of people to work on some project in an organization. There are certain differences among group and team which are clearly identified. Usually group work on the smaller projects which need less number of manpower and teams are deployed for a bigger projects which required more number of members on board.

Below is the list of difference between group & team:

1. Group refers to number of people who are actually connected with some common interest, quality, skills or ability. Whereas the team refers to the number of people who have come together for any activity or work.

2. Normally Group may have different goal but the team must have a common goal and every team member must share the same goal.

3. In case of group roles and responsibility it is not very clearly defined for group member but in case of team it is very clearly defined for each team member

4. in Group members may be independent for work but in team members are interdependent for completion of work.

5. Members may not be well aware about each other but in case of team members are very well aware of each other strength and weakness.

2. Individual behavior affect more in case of team performance as the members of the group are interdependent on each other’s performance therefore any negative behavior from any team member will adversely affect the team's performance similarly positive behavior will augment the team performance. however due to such positive and negative impact of individual behavior least affect the group performance as the member of the group are only responsible for their assigned contribution expectation. It will actually impact their performance rather than whole group performance. Since in group they may be working on different goas therefore individual behavior effect remains limited to the individual performance.

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