
In: Physics

Could you create me a secant code in Matlab program? That's I can keep it and...

Could you create me a secant code in Matlab program? That's I can keep it and use it for any time?


Expert Solution

In this program for secant method in Matlab, first the equation to be solved is defined and assigned with a variable ‘a’ using inline( ) library function. Then, the approximate guess values and desired tolerance of error are entered to the program, following the MATLAB syntax.














% Secant Method in MATLAB

a=input('Enter function:','s');


x(1)=input('Enter first point of guess interval: ');

x(2)=input('Enter second point of guess interval: ');

n=input('Enter allowed Error in calculation: ');


for i=3:1000

   x(i) = x(i-1) - (f(x(i-1)))*((x(i-1) - x(i-2))/(f(x(i-1)) - f(x(i-2))));


    if abs((x(i)-x(i-1))/x(i))*100<n






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