
In: Computer Science

I want to create an image compression program with matlab use PCA. I have the code...

I want to create an image compression program with matlab use PCA. I have the code listed below. But this code is fail, the image is colorless, but still gray. Can you help me to fix my code.

clear all

picture = im2double(imread('picture1.jpg'));

Red = picture(:,:,1);

premean = mean(Red(:));
premax = max(Red(:));
premin = min(Red(:));
x = size(Red,1);
y = size(Red,2);
Z = ones(x,y)*premean;
A = (Red - Z)*(1/premax - premin);

B = cov(A);
[veceig,eig,C] = pcacov(B);

NewRed = A*veceig(:,1:50);
ReturnRed = NewRed*veceig(:,1:50);
Return2Red = ((premax - premin)*ReturnRed)+ Z;

Green = picture(:,:,2);

premean_2 = mean(Green(:));
premax_2 = max(Green(:));
premin_2 = min(Green(:));
x2 = size(Green,1);
y2 = size(Green,2);
Z2 = ones(x2,y2)*premean_2;
A2 = (Green - Z2)*(1/premax_2 - premin_2);

D = cov(A2);
[veceig2,eig,E] = pcacov(D);

NewGreen = A2*veceig2(:,1:50);
ReturnGreen = NewGreen*veceig2(:,1:50);
Return2Green = ((premax_2 - Premin_2)*ReturnGreen)+ Z2;

Blue = picture(:,:,3);

premean_3 = mean(Blue(:));
premax_3 = max(Blue(:));
premin_3 = min(Blue(:));
x3 = size(Blue,1);
y3 = size(Blue,2);
Z3 = ones(x3,y3)*premean_3;
A3 = (Blue - Z3)*(1/premax_3 - premin_3);

F = cov(A3);
[veceig3,eig,G] = pcacov(F);

NewBlue = A3*veceig3(:,1:50);
ReturnBlue = NewBlue*veceig3(:,1:50);
Return2Blue = ((premax_3 - Premin_3)*Return2Blue)+ Z3;


title('Original Image Normalization');

title('Original Result of Decompression Normalization');




Expert Solution

Here I introduce a Matlab code for image compression using the very easy algorithm of PCA, in my code, I haven't used predefined functions for PCA but wrote the algorithm myself for a better understanding of PCA

% Start of PCA code,
Data = imread('/home/ammar/Desktop/PCA/Ammar3.png');
Data_gray = rgb2gray(Data);
Data_grayD = im2double(Data_gray);
set(gcf,'numbertitle','off','name','Grayscale Image'),
Data_mean = mean(Data_grayD);
[a b] = size(Data_gray);
Data_meanNew = repmat(Data_mean,a,1);
DataAdjust = Data_grayD – Data_meanNew;
cov_data = cov(DataAdjust);
[V, D] = eig(cov_data);
V_trans = transpose(V);
DataAdjust_trans = transpose(DataAdjust);
FinalData = V_trans * DataAdjust_trans;
% End of PCA code
% Start of Inverse PCA code,
OriginalData_trans = inv(V_trans) * FinalData;
OriginalData = transpose(OriginalData_trans) + Data_meanNew;
% End of Inverse PCA code
% Image compression
PCs=input('Enter number of PC colomuns needed? ');
PCs = b - PCs;
Reduced_V = V;
for i = 1:PCs,
Reduced_V(:,1) =[];
Y=Reduced_V'* DataAdjust_trans;
Compressed_Data = Compressed_Data' + Data_meanNew;
set(gcf,'numbertitle','off','name','Compressed Image'),
% End of image compression


Original image
After keeping only 5 eigenvectors

After keeping only 10 eigenvectors
After keeping only 20 eigenvectors

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