
In: Computer Science

I need someone to create a program for me: Create a program that takes as input...

I need someone to create a program for me:

Create a program that takes as input an employee's salary and a

rating of the

employee's performance and computes the raise for the employee. The

performance rating here is being entered as a String

the three possible ratings are


"Acceptable", and "

Needs Improvement

". An employee who is



will receive a


% raise, one rated


will receive a


% raise, and one rated

needs improvement

will receive a



% raise.

Add the

if... else...

statements to program


to make i

t run as described above.

Note that you will have to use the


method of the String class (not the

relational operator ==) to compare two strings


You should also note how the NumberFormat class from the text package is being

used to format currency i

n this lab.


Create a hand drawn flow chart showing the logic of the if

... else...








. Copy and paste the code from this document into



Add your identifying information to the comments at the top of the code


Finish the code to

execute the if...else and accurately calculate the raise.


Test your code for:


Rating of Outstanding


Rating of Acceptable


Rating of

Needs Improvement


Submit your

.java file

, your flowchart, and your


from the BlueJ

terminal window



Expert Solution

Java Program:

import java.util.*; 
import java.text.NumberFormat;

class Main { 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter Salary : ");
        double salary = sc.nextDouble();
        sc.nextLine(); // holds the scanner Class to not skip
        System.out.print("Enter Rating : ");
        String rating = sc.nextLine();
        double raise = 0;
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); // NumberFormat Class
        if (rating.equals("Outstanding"))
            raise = (salary * 10.2) / 100;
        else if (rating.equals("Acceptable"))
            raise = (salary * 7) / 100;
        else if (rating.equals("Needs Improvement"))
            raise = (salary * 1.2) / 100;
        System.out.println("\nSalary Raise For Employee : "+ nf.format(raise));
        System.out.println("New Salary For Employee : " + nf.format(salary + raise));



Thumbs Up Please !!!

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