In: Computer Science
I was wondering if you can tell me if the following code is correct and if its not can it be fixed so it does not have any syntax errors.
Client one
* Maintains information on an insurance client.
* @author Doyt Perry/<add your name here>
* @version Fall 2019
public class Client
// instance variables
private String lastName;
private String firstName;
private int age;
private int height;
private int weight;
* First constructor for objects of class Client.
public Client()
// initialize all instance variables to placeholder values
this.lastName = "last name";
this.firstName = "first name";
this.age = 0;
this.height = 1;
this.weight = 1;
* Second constructor for objects of class Client.
* Create a client object using explicit parameters to specify
* values for corresponding instance fields.
* @param inLastName last Name of client
* @param inFirstName first Name of client
* @param inAge age of client
* @param inHeight height of client
* @param inWeight weight of client
public Client(String inLastName, String inFirstName, int
int inHeight, int inWeight)
// initialize instance variables
// using values passed in as parameters
this.lastName = inLastName;
this.firstName = inFirstName;
this.age = inAge;
this.height = inHeight;
this.weight = inHeight;
* Update the last name of the client.
* @param inLastName last name of the client.
public void setLastName(String inLastName)
// Set the last name instance variable to parameter
this.lastName = inLastName;
* Return the last name of the client.
* @return String last name.
public String getLastName()
// return the value of the last name instance variable
return this.lastName;
* Update the first name.
* @param inFirstName first name of the client.
public void setFirstName(String inFirstName)
// Set the first name instance variable to parameter.
// REPLACE this comment with your code
* Return the first name of the client.
* @return String first name.
public String getFirstName;
//return "not cor";
* Update the age of the client.
* @param inAge age of the client.
public void setAge(int inAge)
// Set the age instance variable to the parameter
this.age = inAge;
* Return the age of the client.
* @return int first name.
public int getAge()
// return the value of the first age instance variable.
return this.age;
* Update the height of the client.
* @param inHeight height of the client.
public void setHeight(int inHeight)
// Set the height instance variable to the parameter
this.height = inHeight;
* Return the height of the client.
* @return int height of client.
public int getHeight()
// return the value of the height instance variable.
return this.height;
* Update the weight of the client.
* @param inWeight weight of the client.
public void setWeight(int inWeight)
// replace this comment with your code
* Return the weight of the client.
* @return int weight of client.
public int getWeight()
// replace this comment & return statement with your code
return -1;
* Calculate the BMI of the client.
* @return double BMI of client.
public double calcBMI()
// return the result of calculating the BMI.
// Refer to "Common Error 4.1" on page 142 in the textbook for more
// if WebCat flags the following calculation as an error.
return (704 * this.weight) / this.height * this.height;
* Display the client information.
* @return String formatted client informatin.
* <pre>
* The label should be printed in the format:
* last name, first name
* Age: 99
* BMI: 99.999
* </pre>
public String toString()
// initialize the variable that will hold the output string
String output = "";
// put the name in lastname, firstname format
output = output + this.lastName + this.firstName + "\n";
// include the client age
output = output + "Age " + this.age + "\n";
// include the email address
output = output + "BMI " + this.calcBMI() + "\n";
// return the output string
return output;
* Maintains information on an insurance client.
* @author Doyt Perry/<add your name here>
* @version Fall 2019
public class Client {
// instance variables
private String lastName;
private String firstName;
private int age;
private int height;
private int weight;
* First constructor for objects of class Client.
public Client() {
// initialize all instance
variables to placeholder values
this.lastName = "last name";
this.firstName = "first
this.age = 0;
this.height = 1;
this.weight = 1;
* Second constructor for objects of class
* Create a client object using explicit parameters to
specify values for
* corresponding instance fields.
* @param inLastName
* last Name of client
* @param inFirstName
* first Name of client
* @param inAge
* age of client
* @param inHeight
* height of client
* @param inWeight
* weight of client
public Client(String inLastName, String inFirstName,
int inAge, int inHeight, int inWeight) {
// initialize instance
// using values passed in as
this.lastName = inLastName;
this.firstName = inFirstName;
this.age = inAge;
this.height = inHeight;
this.weight = inHeight;
* Update the last name of the client.
* @param inLastName
* last name of the client.
public void setLastName(String inLastName) {
// Set the last name instance
variable to parameter
this.lastName =
* Return the last name of the client.
* @return String last name.
public String getLastName() {
// return the value of the last
name instance variable
* Update the first name.
* @param inFirstName
* first name of the client.
public void setFirstName(String inFirstName) {
// Set the first name instance
variable to parameter.
// REPLACE this comment with your
firstName =
* Return the first name of the client.
* @return String first name.
public String getFirstName() {
// return "not cor";
* Update the age of the client.
* @param inAge
* age of the client.
public void setAge(int inAge) {
// Set the age instance variable to
the parameter
this.age = inAge;
* Return the age of the client.
* @return int first name.
public int getAge() {
// return the value of the first
age instance variable.
return this.age;
* Update the height of the client.
* @param inHeight
* height of the client.
public void setHeight(int inHeight) {
// Set the height instance variable
to the parameter
this.height =
* Return the height of the client.
* @return int height of client.
public int getHeight() {
// return the value of the height
instance variable.
return this.height;
* Update the weight of the client.
* @param inWeight
* weight of the client.
public void setWeight(int inWeight) {
weight = inWeight;
// replace this comment with your
* Return the weight of the client.
* @return int weight of client.
public int getWeight() {
return weight;
// replace this comment &
return statement with your code
* Calculate the BMI of the client.
* @return double BMI of client.
public double calcBMI() {
// return the result of calculating
the BMI.
// Refer to "Common Error 4.1" on
page 142 in the textbook for more info
// if WebCat flags the following
calculation as an error.
return (704 * this.weight) /
this.height * this.height;
* Display the client information.
* @return String formatted client informatin.
* <pre>
* The label should be printed in the format:
* last name, first name
* Age: 99
* BMI: 99.999
* </pre>
public String toString() {
// initialize the variable that
will hold the output string
String output = "";
// put the name in lastname,
firstname format
output = output + this.lastName +
this.firstName + "\n";
// include the client age
output = output + "Age " + this.age
+ "\n";
// include the email
output = output + "BMI " +
this.calcBMI() + "\n";
// return the output
return output;
//it has no syntax errors. added few lines of code