
In: Computer Science

Step1 - Define two classes, Whole and part. Use a strong "has a" relationship with the...

Step1 - Define two classes, Whole and part. Use a strong "has a" relationship with the two classes.

            Constructor Functions

            Define a default constructor for the Part class.

                        Default just prints out "In default part constructor"

            Define a default and a parm constructor for the Whole class.

                        In Whole Default constructor assigns wholeName = "None"; and prints out "In whole default Constructor"

                        In Whole Parm constructor - Passes in name to WholeName and

                        Then It prints out value of wholeName variable and "In Whole parm constructor"

            Destructor Functions

            Define a destructor function for the part class.

            Define a string variable called wholeName in the whole class.

            Define a getName function for whole class.

Two test.

Step 2 - Declare a Whole W1, with default constructor

             Have the Whole constructor print "called default constructor", and contents of wholeName variable

             Have the Whole Destructor print "called destructor", and contents of wholeName variable

            Declare a Whole W2, with a parm constructor - Have it pass in "w2"

             Have the Whole constructor print "called parm constructor", and contents of wholeName variable.

             Have the Whole Destructor print "called destructor", and the contents of wholeName variable.

Step 3 - use the dot

            Use the dot notation to print out the contents of W1 wholeName variable

            Use the dot notation to print the contents of W2 wholeName variable


Expert Solution

HAS-A Relationship:

Basically the term Composition reffers to the HAS-A Relationship i.e the use of instance variables that are references to the other objects.

In our code snippet we have declared HAS-A Relationship as : class Part: public Whole

Find below code for the above scenario:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
class Whole{ // Whole Class defination
string wholeName;
void getName(){ //getName function for whole class.
Whole(){ //Default constructor of a Whole class
string wholeName="None"; //Default constructor Assignmnt to the wholeName variable
cout<<"In whole default Constructor\n";
Whole(string wholeName){ //Parm constructor of a Whole class
cout<<"In Whole parm constructor\n";
~Whole(){ //Destructor function
cout<<"called destructor\n";
class Part: public Whole{ //Has-A Relationship implementation
Part(){ //Default constructor of a Part class
cout<< "In default part constructor";
~Part(){ //Destructor function
int main()
Whole W1("called default constructor\n");
cout<<W1.wholeName;   // dot notation to print out the contents of W1
Whole W2("Called parm constructor\n");
cout<<W2.wholeName; // dot notation to print out the contents of W2
return 0;

Code Snapshots with output:

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