In: Statistics and Probability
A small school has only two 4th grade classes and two 5th grade classes. Each year, students at the school take the Nebraska Test of Basic Skills (NTBS) in math and Language Arts. The Excel file, 745 Project Data, contains all of the scores for a certain class tracked over their 4th and 5th grade years.
A small school has only two 4th grade classes and two 5th grade classes. Each year, students at the school take the Nebraska Test of Basic Skills (NTBS) in math and Language Arts. The Excel file, 745 Project Data, contains all of the scores for a certain class tracked over their 4th and 5th grade years.
Create a frequency distribution and cumulative frequency distribution of the 4th Grade Math test scores for all of the students. Use 5 classes.
Smallest score is 480 and largest score is 780.
Now we have to make classes and find corresponding frequency.
SO we make class of width 70.
So first class is 450-520, next one is 520-590 and so on.
Now we have to find frequency of each class.
Frequency is the number of observations fall in the corresponding class.
So the complete frequency distribution is,
class | frequency |
450-520 | 5 |
520-590 | 15 |
590-660 | 10 |
660-730 | 5 |
730-800 | 1 |
total | 36 |
Cumulative distribution is,
class | frequency | cumulative |
450-520 | 5 | 5 |
520-590 | 15 | 20 |
590-660 | 10 | 30 |
660-730 | 5 | 35 |
730-800 | 1 | 36 |
total | 36 |
Create a histogram, frequency polygon, and ogive for the 4th Grade Math test scores for all of the students.
We can draw histogram in excel.
steps :
ENTER data into excel sheet --> select class and frequency --> Insert --> Columns --> 2-D column --> select first option --> right click on bars --> format data series --> adjust gap width to 0 --> close
Frequency polygon :
Excel steps :
ENTER data into excel sheet --> Insert --> Line --> 2-D line --> ok
Ogive curve :
ENTER data into excel sheet --> Insert --> Scatter --> select second option --> ok
Create a box-and-whiskers plot for the 5th Grade LA test scores for all of the students.
We can construct boxplot in MINITAB.
steps :
ENTER data into MINITAB sheet --> Graph --> Boxplot --> Simple --> ok --> Graph variable : select data column --> ok
Determine whether or not students in the two 4th grade classes have the same average scores in math, and whether or not students in the two 4th grade
Here we have to test the hypothesis that,
H0 : mu = 650 Vs H1 : mu not= 650
mu is population mean.
By assumption we take mu = 650
Here we have given sample data so we use one sample t-test.
We can do one sample t test in MINITAB.
steps :
ENTER data into MINITAB sheet --> Stat --> Basic statistics--> one sample t --> select data column --> Perform hypothesis test --> Hypothesized mean : 650 --> options --> Confidence level : 95.0 --> Alternative hypothesis : not= --> ok -> ok
One-Sample T: math
Test of ? = 650 vs ? 650
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI T P
math 36 584.4 66.6 11.1 (561.9, 607.0) -5.91 0.000
Test statistic = -5.91
P-value = 0.000
P-value < alpha
Reject H0 at 5% level of significance.
COnclusion : students in the two 4th grade classes have not same average scores in math.
SImilarly we have to do for language arts.
One-Sample T: la
Test of ? = 650 vs ? 650
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI T P
la 36 608.9 63.6 10.6 (587.4, 630.4) -3.88 0.000
Here also p-value < alpha (0.05)
Reject H0 at 5% level of significance.
Conclusion : students in the two 4th grade classes have not same average scores in language arts.