
In: Computer Science

Create a family tree with a 3D vector in C++. Then, determine the worst, average and...

Create a family tree with a 3D vector in C++. Then, determine the worst, average and best time complexities of the program.


Expert Solution

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    class Person
            string name;
            int ID;
            string gender;
            Person (string name, int ID, string gender)
                this-> name = name;
                this-> ID = ID;
                this-> gender = gender;
            const string getName ()
                return name;
            const int getID ()
                return ID;
            const string getGender ()
                return gender;
            vector <string> children;
    class Male: public Person
            Male (string name, int ID, string gender) : Person(name, ID, gender)
            void addWife (Person *arr [], string p1, string p2);
            void displayWifeChildren (Person *arr[], string p1)
                int SIZE = 10;
                int i = 0;
                int j = 0;
                cout << "Children of " << p1 << "\n";
                while (i < wife.size () )
                    cout << i + 1 << " " << wife [i] << "\n";
                                    j = 0;
                                    for(int k = 0; k < SIZE; k++)
                                            if(arr [k] -> getName() == wife[i])
                                                    while (j < arr [k] -> children.size () )
                                                            cout << "\t" << arr [k] -> children [j] << "\n";
            vector <string> wife;
    class Female: public Person
            Female (string name, int ID, string gender) : Person(name, ID, gender)
            void addChild (Person *arr [], string p1, string p2, string p3);
            vector <string> husband;
    void displayAll (Person *arr[])
        int SIZE = 10;
        cout  << "\nThe people in the system are...\n";
        for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            cout << arr[i] -> getName () << " " << arr [i] -> getID () <<  " " << arr [i] -> getGender () << "\n";
        cout << "\n";
    void Male:: addWife (Person *arr [], string p1, string p2)
        int SIZE = 10;
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            if(arr[i]-> getName () == p1)
                 wife. push_back (p2);
    void Female:: addChild (Person *arr[], string p1, string p2, string p3)
        int SIZE  = 10;
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            if(arr[i]-> getName () == p2)
                children. push_back (p3);
    void displayChildren (Person *arr[], string p1)
        int SIZE = 10;
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            if (arr [i] -> getName () == p1)
                cout << "Children of " << arr [i] -> getName () << " are ";
                ((Male *) arr [i]) -> displayWifeChildren (arr);
        cout << "\n";
    int main()
        const int SIZE = 10;
        Person *arr[SIZE];
        arr [0] = new Male ("Abraham", 1, "M");
        arr [1] = new Female ("Sarah", 2, "F");
        arr [2] = new Female ("Keturah", 3, "F");
        arr [3] = new Female ("Hagar", 4, "F");
        arr [4] = new Male ("Issac", 5, "M") ;
        arr [5] = new Male ("Jokshan", 6, "M");
        arr [6] = new Male ("Midian", 7, "M");
        arr [7] = new Male ("Ishmael", 8, "M");
        arr [8] = new Female ("Rebekah", 9, "F");
        arr [9] = new Male ("Esau", 10, "M");
        Male *m = (Male *) arr [0];
        m -> addWife(arr, "Abraham", "Sarah"); /// Sarah is the wife of Abraham
        m -> addWife (arr, "Abraham", "Keturah");
        m -> addWife (arr, " Abraham ","Hagar");
        Female *f1 =  (Female *) arr [1];
        f1 -> addChild(arr, "Abraham", "Sarah", "Issac"); /// Issac is the child of Abraham and Sarah
        Female *f2 = (Female *) arr [2];
        f2 -> addChild(arr, "Abraham", "Keturah", "Jokshan");
        f2 -> addChild(arr, "Abraham", "Keturah", "Midian");
        Female *f3 = (Female *) arr [3];
        f3 -> addChild(arr, "Abraham", " Hagar", " Ishmael");
        m-> displayWifeChildren(arr, "Abraham");
        displayChildren(arr, "Abraham"); /// Displays all children of Abraham and groups each children with a wife
        cout << "\nPress enter (or Ctrl-C) to quit ... " << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            if ( arr [i] != NULL)
                 delete arr[i];
        return 0;

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