In: Computer Science
Subject: Homework - Family Trees
please give me C
codes, thanks
In a Binary Tree, each node has two children at most. To eliminate
the restriction by linking the children
together to form a list. In this design, each node in the tree
needs to contain only two pointers: one to its eldest
child and one to its next younger sibling.
Using this representation, in each node, the pointer on the left
always points down to child; the pointer on the
right indicates the next sibling in the same generation.
struct node
char name[32];
struct node *child;
struct node *sibling;
typedef struct node NODE;
Using the above linked design to implement the following two
1) NODE* SearchMember(NODE *tree, char *target);
that searches a node in a family tree. If it finds it, then it
returns the address of the node. If not, it returns
2) NODE* InsertMember(NODE *ptree, char *newName, char
that searches the parent node with parentName. If found, add a new
node with newName to its child list.
3) NODE* ReadFamilyTree(char *filename);
that reads in a family tree from a data file whose name is supplied
as the argument to the call. The first line of
the file should contain a name corresponding to the root of the
tree. All subsequent lines in the data file should
have the following form:
where child is the name of the new individual being entered and
parent is the name of that child's parent, which
must appear earlier in the data file. For example,
William I
Pobert:William I
William II:William I
Anna:William I
Henry I:William I
William:Henry I
Matilda:Henry I
Henry II:Matilda
4) void DisplayFamilyTree(NODE *tree);
that displays all the
individuals in a family tree. To record the hierachy of tree, the
output of your program
should ident each generation so that the name of each child appears
two spaces to the right of the
corresponding parent, as shown in the following:
William I
William II
Henry I
Henry II
5) Write a test program that tests all the functions above.
N.B. In your problem, in the binary tree each
node has two children at most. The data file should have the
following form:
child:patent. But in the given data file has four children of
William I. That is why output is mismatch with the desired
William I
Pobert:William I [ 1 child ]
William II:William I [ 1 child ]
Anna:William I [ 1 child ]
Henry I:William I [ 1 child ]
William:Henry I
Matilda:Henry I
Henry II:Matilda
//structure definition
struct node
char name[32];
struct node *child;
struct node *sibling;
typedef struct node NODE;
NODE* SearchMember(NODE *tree, char *target);
NODE* InsertMember(NODE *ptree, char *newName, char
NODE* ReadFamilyTree(char *filename);
void DisplayFamilyTree(NODE *tree);
NODE *tree = NULL;
//main function
int main()
char filename[] = "familytree.txt";
tree = ReadFamilyTree(filename);
return 0;
//search a node
NODE* SearchMember(NODE *tree, char *target)
if (tree == NULL)
return NULL;
if (strcmp(tree->name, target) == 0)
return tree;
/* search on the left sutree */
return SearchMember(tree->child, target);
/* search on the right subtree */
return SearchMember(tree->sibling, target);
//insert a node
NODE* InsertMember(NODE *ptree, char *newName, char
NODE *t = SearchMember(ptree, parentName);
return NULL;
NODE *newnode = (NODE*) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
newnode->child = NULL;
newnode->sibling = NULL;
t->child = newnode;
else if(t->sibling==NULL)
t->sibling = newnode;
return ptree;
//function to read file and create the tree
NODE* ReadFamilyTree(char *filename)
FILE *f;
char pname[20], cname[20], ch;
f = fopen(filename, "r");
printf("File not open!!");
fscanf(f, "%[^\n]", pname);
fscanf(f,"%c", &ch);
NODE *newnode = (NODE*) malloc(sizeof(NODE));
newnode->child = NULL;
newnode->sibling = NULL;
if(tree==NULL) tree = newnode;
fscanf(f, "%[^:]", cname);
fscanf(f,"%c", &ch);
fscanf(f, "%[^\n]", pname);
fscanf(f,"%c", &ch);
InsertMember(tree, cname,
return tree;
//display the tree
void DisplayFamilyTree(NODE *tree)
if(tree ==NULL)
printf("%s\n", tree->name);
printf(" ");
William I
William II
N.B. Even, if you face any problem regarding this problem, then share with me, I'll help you.