
In: Accounting

   Define what ethical eating means to you. b. Then you could CHOOSE and FOCUS on...

   Define what ethical eating means to you.
b. Then you could CHOOSE and FOCUS on any ONE of the following  
     according to your ethical eating meaning!
i)                The ethics of eating meat (e.g in a week )
ii)              The ethics of localism (e.g. by buying only locally-produced food for one week)
iii)             The ethics of food waste (e.g. by committing to zero-waste or packaging for one week)
    Throughout the week, think and keep notes about your choice in the following
YOUR CHOICE (From above)
What you eat or buy each day
How you Felt
Successes that you experienced
Comments of your family member on your definition of ethical eating

Note: On at least one time, you should use the opportunity to discuss your food choice with your family member and encourage them to challenge or critique your definition of ethical eating.     


Expert Solution

Ethical ieating ior ifood iethics irefers ito ithe imoral iconsequences iof ifood ichoices, iboth ithose imade iby ihumans ifor ithemselves iand ithose imade ifor ifood ianimals. iCommon iconcerns iare idamage ito ithe ienvironment, iexploitive ilabor ipractices, iand ifood ishortages ifor iothers, iinhumane itreatment iof ifood ianimals, iand ithe iunintended ieffects iof ifood ipolicy.

We’re ion ithe ihunt ifor iwhat ihumans iwould ieat iif ithey iwere iliving iin ithe iwild. iWild ihuman iprimates, iwith ino iman-made itools ior iweapons, iand isurrounded iby ithe ibounty iof inature. iBut, ibecause ithey’re ihuman, itheir ichoices imust ibe iethical.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iThe iquestion iof iwhether iit iis iright ito ieat ianimal iflesh iis iamong ithe imost iprominent itopics iin ifood iethics. iPeople ichoose inot ito ieat imeat ifor ivarious ireasons isuch ias iconcern ifor ianimal iwelfare, ithe ienvironmental iimpact iof imeat iproduction i(environmental ivegetarianism), iand ihealth iconsiderations. iSome iargue ithat islaughtering ianimals isolely ibecause ipeople ienjoy ithe itaste iof imeat iis imorally iwrong ior iunjustifiable. iVegans ioften iabstain ifrom iother ianimal iproducts ifor isimilar ireasons.

Ethical ivegetarians isay ithat ithe ireasons ifor inot ihurting ior ikilling ianimals iare isimilar ito ithe ireasons ifor inot ihurting ior ikilling ihumans. iThey iargue ithat ikilling ian ianimal, ilike ikilling ia ihuman, ican ionly ibe ijustified iin iextreme icircumstances; iconsuming ia iliving icreature ijust ifor iits itaste, ifor iconvenience, ior iout iof ihabit iis inot ijustifiable. iSome iethicists ihave iadded ithat ihumans, iunlike iother ianimals, iare imorally iconscious iof itheir ibehavior iand ihave ia ichoice; ithis iis iwhy ithere iare ilaws igoverning ihuman ibehavior, iand iwhy iit iis isubject ito imoral istandards.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iFood iissues iand ichoices iare ivery ioften iethical iissues iand ichoices. iThey iconcern irights, ijustice, ipower, iautonomy, icontrol, isustainability, ianimal iwelfare iand ihuman iwell-being. iThe iclaims ithat ipeople imake iabout ithem iare iprescriptive ithey iare iabout iwhat iwe ishould ido, ias iwell ias iabout iwhich ifood isystems iand ipolicies iwe ishould isupport.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iThe iethical iissues irelated ito ifood ilosses iand ifood iwaste iis ivery icomplex iand ito ia ilarge idegree idependent iupon iat iwhich ipart iin ithe ifood isupply ichain ithey iare iidentified. iIn ithis ientry ifor ireasons iof iclarity iand ispace, ithe iemphasis iis iplaced ion ifood iwaste ioccurring iat iconsumer ilevel iand imainly ion ithe idiscussion iof ithe iethical iresponsibilities ithat ican ibe isaid ito iexist iat ithis istage. iThis ican ibe ijustified ias ithe ilargest ipercentage iof iwaste ioccurs iat iconsumer ilevel. iIt iis, ihowever, iimportant ito iremember ithat ithis iwaste iis ito ivarying idegrees idependent ion iother ifactors isuch ias iretail istrategies, iproduction ilimitations, ietc.

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