In: Physics
A viscous incompressible fluid is between two parallel plates (that are along the x-z plane), one of them is at y = 0 and the other at y = d.
a) Considerthecasewheretheflowisstationaryinthezˆdirection, driven by a pressure gradient. Write down the Navier-Stokes equations and solve for the velocity field after imposing the relevant boundary conditions. [10 points]
b) The pressure gradient is now removed, but the plate at y = d is moved in an oscillatory fashion with velocity ue−iωt in the zˆ direction, while the other plate remains stationary. Write down the Navier-Stokes equations and solve for the velocity field after imposing the relevant boundary conditions. [15 points]
A). Consider the flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid between two parallel plates located at Z = 0 and Z = d. The upper plane is moving with velocity U. Calculate the flow field.
Assume the following: Steady flow:
Parallel, fully-developed flow:
No pressure gradient:
The streamwise Navier-Stokes equation is
can be simplified using the above assumptions. We get
With the boundary conditions
u(0) = 0 ⇒ B = 0, u(d) = U ⇒ A = U/d
we finally obtain
u(y) = Uy/d