In: Economics
The role of corporates with in organisational performance and social responsibilty.These are also the factors which may assess corporate reputation.
It can be seen through the following flow chartNow let us discuss one by one.
1. Social Resposibility: It is a very important part for any corporate. Responsibility towards society is in many sence. First protection of environment. For example in 1982 in INdia there was Bhopal Gas Tregedy in which thousands of people died due to spread of gas which emiited throough Union Carbide Company and that was Cynied gas. Now its a corporate responsibility part to take care of such things and protect not only human livies as well as environment.
Take a recent exxample of CORONA pandemic which was started from China in a animal slouther market and virus spreaded from there. It is a responcibility of those market operator to take care of such things.
Corporates are also responsible for community development. We have seen there are hundreds of big companies thses days who are providing funds to government to fight against CORONA virus.
So social responsibility is one factor through which corporate reputation is assessed.
2. Emotional Appeal: It is very important for any corporate to create feel good factor not only among consumers as well among employees. For example TCS is such a company who takes care of employees very well.
3. Products and services: Coporates whoould see that their serices should be og high quality not only in terms of selling the product but also in terms of warunty, after sale service, quality assurance, replacement , regular coustmers feedback etc.
4. Workplace Environment: Any cporate's reputaion is assessed through workplace condition that is environment should be conginial to all. They should feel happy, there must be the policy of we care for you, we are with you. Like in case of recent CORONA pandemic all multi utility hospitals which are run by big corporates they should take care of their doctors and nurses well.
5. Financial Performance: Corporates reputation is also assessed through financial performance of the company. It market value, performance of stake holders etc.
6. Vision and leadership: If we talk about vision of Google CEO Sundar Pichayee we can understand the reputation of any corporate eaisly. Any leader can take the corporate very high or low. HIs vision, forsightedness is also very important.
Now the question is are these facotrs consistant among all the stakeholders. It depends on how all thses leaders take the organisation, It depends on their mutual understanding. It depends on their percetion etc.
If i become the CEO of Cocacola the following aspect i will see to make the commpany's reputaion good.
Now i m just providing the flow chart through which you can understand the role of a comany CEO in all direction