In: Psychology
Discuss all of the theoretical perspectives used to study social problems and apply them to real situations;note their strengths and weaknesses of each as well as the theorists associated with each perspective.
The major perspective are as follows
Symbolic interaction perspective - In this people developed symbols in using non-verbal communication cues and their conversation is based upon the such symbols. These symbols make subjective interpretation which is considered at times more effective than verbal communication eg: thumbs up would mean great job, or for Indians coconut is considered very holy thing. For eg: girl wearing any mangalsutra in India would mean that she is married it is considered as important symbol. Critics claim that symbolic interaction neglects macro levels of social interpretation. It is says that individual symbols are considered as social symbols
Functionalist perspective - It is also known as functionalism. It states that each aspect of the society is interdepedant and contributes to the society as a whole. For eg: government give subsidy on train tickets or medicines to old people whereas young people pay taxes more for it. If everything continues well then the country progresses . Functionalist believe that society is held together by social consensus in which members of society agree upon, work together and achieve best for the society.. Critics say that this perspective neglects negative things such as divorce. This perspective also recieves criticisam as people do not take efforts to change social environment.
The conflict perspective - It its origions lies in Karl Marx perspective. The conflict perspective focuses on negative, conflicted perspectives of society. This theory encourages social change or social revolution. Social revolution arises due to social conflicts in the race, religion, gender, religious, political inequalities. It leads them to competition and this competition is the responsible for ever-changing nature of the society. Critics claim that it only views negative perspectieves of the society and does not takes into consideration altrusi=m,democracy. It does not take interest in preserving law and order.