
In: Operations Management

Briefly explain the expectancy model of motivation.

Briefly explain the expectancy model of motivation.


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Motivation can be defined as set of internal and external forces starting and keeping a person at work in the organization. it is the reason for employee' actions, desires and needs in the organization. it is the complex of forces which stimulates the desire in employees to be commited to a job and to make an effort to attain the goal or objective of the job.


this model is proposed by Victor Vroom of Yale School of Management in 1964. . Unlike other model of motivation which look at the relationship between internal needs and resulting efforts such as Maslow model And Herzberg model, expectancy model of motivation targets the perception of the employees between work and rewards.this model assumes that it is necessary to understand what is required to motivate the employees so that they can become more productive. this model puts strength on the point that productivity of an employee is dependent of many variables such as personality, knowledge, skills, abilities and experience. Vroom uses three variables to explain this model namely expectancy, instrumentality and valence.

Expectancy defines the relationship between efforts and performance. it can be defined as the probability that a particular action willlead to the desired reward. it is the belief that if efforts are to be increased then it will increase the performance definitely. it is effected by many things such as having the right skills to perform the job work, having the right resources available, having the necessary support to do the job.

Instrumentality defines the relationship between performance and reward. it can be defined as the estimation of employees that performance will result in achieving the reward. it denotes the belief that if employees will perform well then there will be valued outcome. it is also effected by many factors such as understanding level of relationship between performance and outcomes, trust in the people who are involved in the process, transparency of the process.

Valence can be defined as the strength of employee' preference for a reward. it is the measurement of importance of receiving reward in the mind of employees. it is the attractiveness of rewards. it is an expected not actual level of satisfaction which an employee expects to attain after the acomplishment of the goal.

these three elements are very importanat because they defined

Effort- Performance expectancy (E>P) that is the employee' assessment of the probabilty that their efforts will lead to the required performance level.

Performance- Outcome expectancy ( P>O) that is the employee' assessment of probability that their successful performance will lead to the certain outcomes.

Limitation of Expectancy Model of motivation

1. it focuses on pyschological extravagance.

2. it puts pressure on rewards.

3. it emphasizes on perception and expectations.

4. it is based on self interest of employees

Disadvantages of Expectancy Model of Motivation

1. the concept of this model seems to be idealistic because there is a few number of employees who perceive high degree of relationship between performance and rewards.

2. the application of this model is very limited because reward is not directly coorelated to the performance of the employees infact it is also related to position, efforts, responsibility, education in some organization.

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