
In: Operations Management

I need procurement plan and stackholder management plan for this. “Weall, Suthem and Wynn” Law Firm...

I need procurement plan and stackholder management plan for this.

“Weall, Suthem and Wynn” Law Firm IT installation Project

Background to the Project:

Your firm has been asked to prepare a project plan to support the Information Technology needs of an about to be created regional law firm. You have met with Bob Suthem who will be the Managing Partner of the new firm, and should you be successful, your most senior customer contact. Bob told you that he is in the late stages of consolidating with four other small firms in the 905 area in order to create a mid size firm with one main office, to be located in the Markham/Unionville HWY 7 corridor with a small existing satellite office in each of Pickering and Mississauga to serve the east and west of the 905 region.

Your firm was asked in on the basis of similar work you did last year at an Accountants firm in Richmond Hill. Alan Moneysworth, C.A. just happens to be a close friend of Bob Suthem and Alan was very pleased with your work. After your first meeting with Bob, you felt that this opportunity was yours to win as long as you responded carefully.

Size and scope of the new firm:

There are currently 30+ lawyers and a total of 120+ staff spread around the existing 5 firms. Bob expects that at the opening of the new firm, in just under one year, that he will have 35-40 lawyers and about 150 staff in total. Over 2/3 of the staff will be located at the main office with the rest split between the Pickering and Mississauga sites. Each staff member will require at least one workstation and/or laptop computer. Each of the three sites will require one or more computer servers to act as centralised file, print and communications servers as well as to provide backup and security.


Bob stated that one of his partners was already in the late stages of negotiation for a suitable building and is expected to sign the deal within 60 days and take possession no later than 5 months from today. He expects to open the office in just under one year so that means there will be a six month period to install interior wall panels, furnishings, communications and computer equipment. Once the opening date is fixed, staff will be hired so there will be no flexibility in the ready date.

Your opportunity:

Bob would like your firm to project manage the design, purchase, installation, testing and training of about 150 computers, and 5 or more computer servers. This includes cabling within the building but does not include telephone services which are being provided by an other contractor. There are existing high speed communications lines into the building so you need to connect to these lines but do not have to acquire them. The purchase of new printers, facsimile and other computer peripherals are excluded from scope but your system is expected to work with industry standard devices.


Alan the accountant told Bob that if you plan about 6-7 thousand dollars per employee you should have enough money to cover a suitable system. Bob knows that desktop computers can be purchased for under $1000 each, laptops are a little more, and software can add up quickly. By the time you add a few servers and the cost of network cables, switches, installation, training and project management, the $6-7 thousand per person seemed believable. Based on this, Bob mentioned a budget of “about a million” He did not seem to be too concerned about this amount.

Customer Requirements:

Bob stated that industry standard compatibility, reliability, ease of use and security was his primary concerns. He had little interest in the latest and greatest technology. He wants you to take inventory of the current IT stock and see if any is useable in the new system but is prepared to fund wholesale replacement with the existing components given to employees for personal use or donated outside the firm.

Ongoing maintenance and support of the new system after installation and initial training is completed would be a natural follow on to the initial project but is not included in the scope of this initial project.

Other Contacts:



Role on Project

Bob Suthem

Managing Partner

Senior Customer Contact

Linda Weall


Senior contact Mississauga office

Paul Wynn


Senior contact Pickering Office

Sandra Detail

Executive Assistant to Bob Suthem

Knows everyone. Co ordinates partner meetings

Michael Technow

Part time network administrator

Key contact for existing system


Expert Solution

Question:Prepare a procurement plan and stackholders management for Weal ,Suthem, Wynn Law firm IT insattaltion Project.

Answer:Plan procurement management is the process of documenting the decisions of project procurement.It involves in specifying approaches of procurement and identifying the potential legal services providers to its customer at main office and at Pickering and Mississauga.All the 150 staff should be comfortable in getting the workstation resources and communication excess.

Procurement management plan:Location of Main office of Law firm with four small firm converted into a meduim law firm at markham/Union ville HWY 7 corridor with a small existing setellite office at each office in Pickering and Mississauga to serve the east and west of 905 region.

Procurement Audit: Bob Suthem will be Managing Partner and his role will be senior customer contact and total existing staff from 30+ lawyers and 120+ staff to be increased to 35-40 lawyers and 150 staff. Out of this staff, 2/3 staff will be at main office and 1/3 will be at Pickering and Mississauga office.each staff should get one work station and with one Laptop and there should be a computor server to cater the need of printing,communication and back-up and security at main office connected to Pickering and Mississauga.

Plan Stackholder management: Linda weall will be engaged as a Law firm Partner and his role will be senior contact Mississauga office .

Paul Wynn will be engaged as a partner and his role will be as senior Contact Pickering office

sandra Detail will be engaged as as a executive Assistant to Bob Suthem and his role will be to coordinate the partner meetings.

Micheal technow will be engaged in the law firm as a part time network administrator and his role will be maintaining key contact for existing system

Project procurement management: Procurement of building by one partner within 6 month and deal will be finalised within 60 days and possession will take at least 5 month.

Six months are required to install interior walls panells, furnitures and communications cables and computor equipments installations.

Office opening can be inaugrated after one year of period only.

Total 150 computor and each cost per head is 1000 dollar.

each employee cost will be around 6000-7000 dollar and total staff will be 150.

Communication Management Plan: The communication management plan is the written documents that outline and highlight and give the deatils about cummunications needs and expectations.

communication technology is crucial for law firm project for speed transfer of legal data.

communication constraints is the life blood for any project and it should be taken care for smooth functioning

Communication pitfall should be avoided to derail the project feasibility.

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