In: Economics
Using Y as the dependent variable and X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 as the explanatory variables, formulate an econometric model for data that is (i) time series data (ii) cross-sectional data and (iii) panel data – (Hint: please specify the specific model here not its general form).
*An econometric model involving time series data
Yt = B1+B2X1t + B3X2t+B4X3t+B5X4t+ B6X5t+ut
Yt = Dependent variable or explained variable.
B1= intercept.
X1t,X2t+X3t+X4t+X5t = Explanatory Variables.
B2, B3, B4, B5 , B6 = coefficients of X1t, X2t, X3t, X4t, and X5t
ut = random error term or stochastic error term.
( Time series data consists of observations collected at specific intervals of time. So t subsrict will be a must in the model.)
2).An econometric model involving cross sectional data .
Yi = B1+B2X1i+ B3X2i+B4X3i+B5X4i+B6X5i+ui
Yi = Dependent variable
B1 = intercept
X1i, X2i, X3i, X4i, X5i = Explanatory Variables.
B2,B3,B4,B5,B6. - Coefficients of X1i, X2i, X3i, X4i, and X5i
ut = Random error term.
( Cross section data is collected from different individuals or groups at a point of time. Subcript used in the model is 'i'. )
* Econometric model involving panel data.
Yit = B1+B2X1it +B3X2it+B4X3it+B5X4it+B6X5it+ut
Yit =Development variable.
B1= intercept
X1it,X2it, X3it, X4it,X5it = Explanatory Variables
B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 = coefficients of X1it,X2it,X3it,X4it and X5it
ut = random error term.
( Panel data is actually cross sectional data surveyed in over time. So subcripts 'i' and 't' will be there.)