
In: Economics

Imagine the following hypothetical situation. Two firms, Super Chic Farm and Fortune Poultry, have become the...

Imagine the following hypothetical situation. Two firms, Super Chic Farm and Fortune Poultry, have become the only suppliers of fresh chicken meat in Singapore. Both firms are seeking to increase their profits and are considering entering into illicit price collusion by agreeing to charge artificially high prices. Such a practice is illegal and risks heavy fines. Analyse the interaction between the two firms using game theory. Present a payoff matrix to model the situation and analyse it for Nash equilibrium. Which is the best outcome for each firm? Which is the best outcome for society as a whole? What can be done by the firms or government to make society’s best outcome more likely?


Expert Solution

There are only two firms in the market and these two firms can exploit the market by charging the monopoly price following the formation of collusion.

The society welfare can be increased when there is competition in the market, Thus government declare such combination and collusion as the illegal that hinders the competition.

Following is the payoff matrix:

Fortune Poultry
Super Chick High Price Low Price
High Price 20, 20 10, 30
Low Price 30, 10 15, 15

In the above matrix, the High price strategies by both firms will fetch higher profits equivalent to the $ 20 for each firm, While the low price strategies will reduce each profit to the level of $ 15.

The charging the Low price is the dominant strategy for both firms, thus eventually, both go with dominant strategies and end up getting the $ 15.

The low price strategy would be best for society while the high price strategy would be profitable for the firm.

Such a government must declare such collusion as illegal and illegitimate. such action of government would go a long way in promoting the society weflare.

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