
In: Economics

Collective Bargaining Agreement - Who are are the parties in the CBA of Apple company? briefly...

Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Who are are the parties in the CBA of Apple company? briefly describe whether it is a private or public entity, and a brief overview of the industry and governing body.
- what is addressed in the article on Management rights? what specifically is of note?


Expert Solution

Collective bargaining agreement is signed for given period, between the employer and the trade unions. These agreements can regulate and maintain the co-determination, negotiation procedures and the common objectives relating to the labour market development. If we are considering the Apple Company, the parties in these agreements are employers in that company and the trade union. It is basically a private entity to protect the labour rights in the market. There is no legal obligations come under this agreement. The proper demands of workers mentioned this agreement. So the company or the governing body is responsible to follow that. The exact definition for the agreement mentioned in the Co-determination Act. This agreement is not permitted to resort the industrial actions.  
The collective bargaining agreement is in a small perspective, but the management rights viewed from a larger perspective. The trade unions agreed to make and implement decision relating to specific areas. This is mainly a public entity. This can establish employer’s mission, objectives, activities and priorities. This management rights include the right to introduce the improved methods, technologies and facilities. Management rights ensure safety of the employers and determine the level of work done of each worker.

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