In: Economics
Role of international criminal Court
The room statute Granth the the international criminal Court
jurisdiction over four main crimes
A. The crime of genocide
B. Crimes against humanity
C. War Crimes
D. Crime of aggression
The court may exercise jurisdiction in a situation where genocide crime against humanity or crime of war where committed on or after 1st July 2002. The crimes we are committed by a state party national or in the territory of a state party or in a state that has accepted the jurisdiction of the court. The crime where are referred to the ICC prosecutor by the United Nations security council pursuant to a resolution adopted under chapter 7 of the UN charter.
As of 17th July 2018 a situation in which an act of aggression would appear to have occurred would be referred to the court by the security council acting under chapter VII of the United nation charter irrespective as to whether it involves state parties or non state parties. The ICC is intended to compliment not to replace National criminal system. It prosecutes case only when state do not are unwilling are unable to do so genuinely. ICC is not a UN organisation but it has a cooperation agreement with the United Nations. When a situation is not within the courts jurisdiction the United Nations security council can refer the situation to the ICC grunting it jurisdiction. This has been done in the situation in Sudan and Libya.
Need of war crime tribunals
work and thickness are important because following a conflict crimes that have exceed the normal parameters of work behaviour must be dealt with before a society can being the peace building process of reconciliation. Work rhyme tribunals do not offer the accused a chance for forgiveness as truth and reconciliation commission do. Tribunals do however offer victims and their families the opportunity to confront those responsible for what happened to them and hopefully to put the the horrors of war behind them. Attribute null can be a forum for honouring the memory of those lost. As well as pursuing those responsible. Because of of this scenario work land tribunals are necessary for countries.