In: Psychology
why individual should be able to be tried in both civil and criminal court for crimes arising out of the same instance and what are some of the benefits of this system?
The individual should be able to be tried in both civil and criminal court for crimes arising out of the same instance because the legal system is same and the facts of the case would be same. It will save the time of the court as well as of the disputed parties. It will do speedy disposal of the case as the parties to the disputed would not need to be transferred from civil to criminal cases and the case can be hear and verdict can be given in the same court in which the case is filed or brought by the plantiff.
There are lakhs of cases pending in the judicial system because of shortage of judges, increase if cases and lack of knowledge to the disputed parties in which court the case should be filed whether criminal or civil. If individual would be able to be tried in both civil and criminal court for crimes arising out of the same instance then it would be beneficial for both the criminals as well as for the disputed parties.