In: Biology
name two pigments in animal tissues that do not take up the H&E dyes
Answer: the two pigments in animal tissues that do not take haematoxylin & eosin dyes is as follows:
melanin is the most commonly found in animal tissues, but melanin exist in the form of 2 ways i.e., 1. Eumelanin & 2. Pheomelanin.
In the animals, most of the acidic structures will reside in nuclear region of the DNA (haematoxylin stains with purplish- blue) and cytoplasmic stuctures are basic (eosin stains with pinkish-red color).
Reasons for not uptaking H & E dyes:
Actually it stains nuclei with purplish- blue and cytoplasmic with pinkish red color, unless cell contains abundant RNA.
Many factors will influence in preventing staining of tissues.
1. preparation of the stain
2. Thickness & section cutting of animal tissues. In this, staining is greater when thick tissues with low power pictures is used it produces high intensity staining and vice versa.
3. Due to genetic disorders like albinism also do not produce melanin and it does not stain with haematoxylin & eosin dyes
Note: The provided answer is as per my knowledge may be or may not be 100% correct, but definitely relevant to your question thank you so much.