
In: Computer Science

Must be in C++ (beginners coding class) 8. a. Rewrite the definition of the class complexType...

Must be in C++ (beginners coding class)


a. Rewrite the definition of the class complexType so that the arith-metic and relational operators are overloaded as nonmember functions.

b. Write the definitions of the member functions of the class complexType as designed in part a.

c. Write a test program that tests various operations on the class complexType as designed in parts a and b. Format your answer with two decimal places.

(additional info/problem ) does not need to be answered only number 8 needs to be answered

a. Extend the definition of the class complexType so that it performs the subtraction and division operations. Overload the operators subtrac-tion and division for this class as member functions.

If (a, b) and (c, d ) are complex numbers:

(a, b)-(c, d )=(a - c, b - d ).

If (c, d ) is nonzero:

(a, b)/(c, d)=((ac + bd )/(c2+ d2), (-ad + bc)/(c2+ d2)).

b. Write the definitions of the functions to overload the operators - and / asdefined in part a.

c. Write a test program that tests various operations on the classcomplexType. Format your answer with two decimal places.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;

class complexType{
       double real,imag;
           real = 0;
           imag = 0;
       complexType(double r , double i){
           real = r;
           imag = i;
       void setReal(double r){
           real = r;
       void setImag(double i){
           imag = i;
       double getReal(){
           return real;
       double getImag(){
           return imag;
       complexType& operator+(const complexType& other){
           double r = real + other.real;
           double i = imag + other.imag;
           return *(new complexType(r , i));
       complexType& operator-(const complexType& other){
           double r = real - other.real;
           double i = imag - other.imag;
           return *(new complexType(r , i));
       complexType& operator*(const complexType& other){
           double r = real * other.real - imag*other.imag;
           double i = imag*other.real + real*other.imag;
           return *(new complexType(r , i));
       complexType& operator/(const complexType& other){
           double val = (other.real* other.real + other.imag*other.imag);
           double r = (real * other.real + imag*other.imag)/val;
           double i = (imag*other.real - real*other.imag)/val;
           return *(new complexType(r , i));
       friend ostream& operator << (ostream& out , const complexType& other){
           out<<"("<<other.real<<", "<<other.imag<<")";
           return out;
       friend istream& operator >> (istream& in , complexType& other){
           char ch;
           return in;

int main(){
   complexType c1(2,3);
   complexType c2(4,5),c3;

   c3 = c1 + c2;
   cout<<"c1 + c2 = "<<c3<<endl;
   c3 = c1 - c2;
   cout<<"c1 - c2 = "<<c3<<endl;
   c3 = c1 * c2;
   cout<<"c1 * c2 = "<<c3<<endl;
   c3 = c1 / c2;
   cout<<"c1 / c2 = "<<c3<<endl;
   return 0;

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