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c++ programming 1.1 Class definition Define a class bankAccount to implement the basic properties of a...

c++ programming

1.1 Class definition
Define a class bankAccount to implement the basic properties of a bank account. An object of this class should store the following data:
 Account holder’s name (string)
 Account number (int)
 Account type (string, check/savings/business)
 Balance (double)
 Interest rate (double) – store interest rate as a decimal number.
 Add appropriate member functions to manipulate an object. Use a static member in the
class to automatically assign account numbers.
1.2 Implement all appropriate member functions of a class.
1.3 Write a program that illustrate how to use your class. Your program should have the following:
 Declare an array of 20 components of type bankAccount to process up to 20 customers.
 void menu() – helps the user to select if the customer is new or if they already exist. Furthermore, it prints the customer’s data or exits the program.
 Use a switch statement which uses the value from menu() as an expression to call the following user-defined functions:
o void addCustomber() – this function enters/adds the customer details. You may
call one mutator function (setter) of a class in this function.
o void processCustomer() – this function calls the search() function. It also calls
and uses subMenu() function as an update and priming read. Furthermore, it uses the switch statement to call the other three class member functions to process the deposit, withdrawal, and print.
o void printCustomersData() – print all information of the customers.
 void submenu() – help the user to select between making a deposit, withdrawal, checking balance or exiting the submenu.
 int search() – search the customer’s details by using the customer’s account number. You may call one accessor function (getter) of a class in this function.
 main() function – this has the switch statement to call addCustomber(), processCustomer() and printCustomersData().
Hint: The listed user-defined functions are not the same as the class member functions. However, the user-defined functions can call the class member functions. The array that stored 20 components should be used as a parameter to access and process the customers’ details. Your program must have data validation to check whether or not there are 20 customers. You may use suitable string functions.


Expert Solution

I have created whole program in one file and if you want to separate then separate it and add header in file #include "BankAccount.h" in header section of main() file.

still you have doubt just ping me or like it.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//class BankAccount it has private member name, accountNo,accountType,balance,interestRate;
class BankAccount{
  string name;
  int accountNo;
  string accountType;
  double balance;
  double interestRate;
   public :
   //constructor which initilise the account no starting from 1000 and balance to 0;
        balance = 0;
        interestRate = 0.09;
    //it assigns the value to 20 customers
   void assignAcc()
       static int x=1000;
   //it returns the accountNo;
     int getAccNo()
        return accountNo;
    //it returns the balance
    double getbalance(){
        return balance;
    //it returns the 0 1 based on account has customer or not.
    int getaccount(){
        return name.empty()?0:1;
    //assign customer to account.
   void setHolderAcc(string name1,int type){
       else if(type==2)
       else if(type==3)
   //deposit money to account.
   void deposit(int amount){
   //withdraw money t account
    void withdraw(int amount){
   //print the details of customer.
   void print(){
       cout<<"Account Number: "<<accountNo<<" Name:"<<name<<" Account type: "<<accountType<<" Balance: "<<balance<<endl;
//search function search the account by accountNo and return obeject of BankAccount.
BankAccount search(BankAccount bankAccount[]){
    int accountNo;
    BankAccount account;
    cout<<"Enter the account no to search:";
    for(int i=0;bankAccount[i].getaccount()!=0;i++){
            return bankAccount[i];
    return account;
//submenu using switch statement and deposite and withdraw and print based on selection.
void submenu(BankAccount bankAccount){
    int choice,amount;
    cout<<"Enter 1:deposit  2:withdraw  3:print :";
        case 1:
        cout<<"Enter the amount to deposit: ";
        cout<<"Now your balance is "<<bankAccount.getbalance()<<endl;
        case 2:
        cout<<"Enter the amount to withdraw: ";
        cout<<"Now your balance is "<<bankAccount.getbalance()<<endl;
        cout<<"you don't have enough balance"<<endl;
        case 3:bankAccount.print();

//it procedd customer and call the submenu with BankAccount object.
void processCustomer(BankAccount bankAccount[]){
 BankAccount account=search(bankAccount);  
//it add customer and shows Succesfully added or not.
void addCustomer(BankAccount bankAccount[],int n){
    string name;
    int type;
    int account=bankAccount[n].getAccNo();
     cout<<"\n"<<n+1<<":Enter name: ";
     cout<<"Enter account type(1=check 2=saving 3=business):";
     cout<<"Account ADDED Succesfully"<<endl;
     cout<<"\n"<<name<<"   account#: "<<account<<endl;
//main menu which has option for new customer, exits customer or total print of customer.
int menu(){
    int choice;
    cout<<"Welcome to the Bank Account"<<endl;
    cout<<"1:New Customer 2: Exist Customer 3:print Customers Data 4:exit";
    return choice;
//it prints all the customers 
void printCustomersData(BankAccount bankAccount[]){
    for(int i=0;bankAccount[i].getaccount()!=0;i++){

//main function has loop which takes n customer added into array 
//and while contuon true which shows main  menu till exit .
int main()
   string name;
   int n,type;
   cout<<"Enter the number of account to create: ";
   BankAccount bankAccount[20];
   for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
     int account=bankAccount[i].getAccNo();
     cout<<"\n"<<i+1<<":Enter name: ";
     cout<<"Enter account type(1=check 2=saving 3=business):";
     cout<<"\n"<<name<<"   account#: "<<account<<endl;
   bool flag=true;
    int choice=menu();
        case 1:
        case 2:processCustomer(bankAccount);
        case 3:printCustomersData(bankAccount);
        case 4:flag=false;
    return 0;

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