In: Computer Science
Create in raptor
In this progress report, you will be focusing on setting up accounts for multiple users. You will include defensive programming and error checking to ensure your program functions like an ATM machine would. The account details for your customers are as follows:
Customer UserName Pass Savings Checking
Rober Brown rbrown blue123 2500.00 35.00
Lisa White lwhite Red456 500.00 1250.00
Mark Black mblack Green789 750.00 200.00
For this progress report, update the Progress Report 4 Raptor program to allow one of the above users at a time to safely log in to their account, complete a maximum of 3 transactions, and end the program. Three incorrect attempts at entering the user name and password will end the program. Allow the user to make up to a maximum of 3 transactions at a time. After 3 transactions, the program will terminate. After a transaction is completed, the program will update the running balance and give the customer a detailed description of the transaction. A customer cannot overdraft on their account; if they try to withdraw more money than there is, a warning will be given to the customer. Also note that the ATM doesn’t distribute or collect coins – all monetary values are in whole dollars (e.g. an integer is an acceptable variable type). Any incorrect transaction types will display an appropriate message and count as a transaction.
1 – Deposit (adding money to the account)
2 – Withdrawal (removing money from the account)
3 – Balance Inquiry (check current balance)
4 – Transfer Balance (transfer balance from one account to another)
5 – Log Out (exits/ends the program)