
In: Computer Science

1. Implement the stack abstract data type. Write it as a separate class called Stack. For...

1. Implement the stack abstract data type. Write it as a separate class called Stack. For simplicity the data type to be stored in the stack is String but you can also use generic type.

2. Test your class implementation by calling push() and pop(). If the stack is empty (size equals zero) pop() should return null and print that “stack is empty”. If stack is full (size equals max) push() returns false and prints that “stack is full”.

This needs to be done in Java


Expert Solution

Solution :

The below code do the following as required in your question
1. Abstract class created wit name "MyStack" and contain method declaration for push and pop
2. The abstact class methods for push and pop are implemented in the MyDerived class by extenind the MyStack abstact class
4. The Main() method insatanitates the "MyDerived " class add values to the Stack
5. The Main() method calls push method by passing a value which checks size
6. The Main() mehtod clears the stack and call pop method which check the stack is empty or not


import java.util.Stack;

abstract class MyStack
Stack<String> myStackVarible = new Stack<String>();
abstract void MyPop();
abstract void MyPush(String value);

class MyDervied extends MyStack
void MyPop()
System.out.println("Stack is empty ");

void MyPush(String value)
System.out.println("Stack is full ");

public class Main
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       MyDervied d = new MyDervied();
       // create stack by adding values
       System.out.println("Stack is cleared");

Please find the screen shot of the output

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