
In: Computer Science

Define a class template called genericStack for storing any data type in a static stack. Your...

Define a class template called genericStack for storing any data type in a static stack. Your class template must include a constructor, a destructor, push, pop, peek, isFull, and isEmpty functions (no display function is required). Write a simple main function in your program that demonstrates the class template with a stack of strings.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Class for stack
template <class ItemType>
class genericStack{
       ItemType *info;
       int top;

       bool isEmpty();
       bool isFull();
       void push(ItemType x);
       void pop(ItemType &x);
       // destructor

// Constructor to initialize stack
template <class ItemType>
   info = new ItemType[5]; // set 5 as max
   top = -1; // assign -1 to first element
// Utility function to check if the stack is empty or not
template <class ItemType>
bool genericStack<ItemType>::isEmpty()
   return top == -1; // true for empty
// Utility function to check if the stack is full or not
template <class ItemType>
bool genericStack<ItemType>::isFull()
   return top == 5 ;   // top become size
// function to add an element x in the stack
template <class ItemType>
void genericStack<ItemType>::push(ItemType x)
   if (isFull())
       cout << "Stack is Full.\n";
   info[++top] = x; // push item to stack
// function to pop top element from the stack
template <class ItemType>
void genericStack<ItemType>::pop(ItemType &x)
   // check for stack underflow
   if (isEmpty())
       cout << "UnderFlow Stack is Empty \n";
   // // decrease stack size by 1 and copy to x
   x = info[top];
   top = top - 1;
// Destructor
template <class ItemType>
   delete [] info; // delete stack
int main(){
   genericStack<string>obj; // create object of string
   string elem; // to get popped element
   // pushing
   cout<<elem<<endl; // newton since last in first out

/* OUTPUT */

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