
In: Computer Science

Write a c++ class definition for an abstract data type describing a bookstore inventory. Each book...

Write a c++ class definition for an abstract data type describing a bookstore inventory. Each book has the following attributes:

Book Title (character string);
Book Author (character string);
Book Price (Floating point number having two decimal places);
Count of books on hand (int);

The member functions are as follows:
A constructor that is used to initialize all four elements of the structure to values inputted by the user;

A function that displays in a readable tabular form the contents of a book in inventory;

A modify function that has an argument a code ('T', 'A', 'P', or 'C') indicating which attribute (title,author,price or count) of the indicated book is to be changed. Based upon the attribute code, the appropriate prompt should be displayed to allow the user to enter the new value of the attribute.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Book
   string title,author;
   float price;
   int count;
   Book(string title,string author,float price,int count)//constructor
       this->title = title;
       this->author = author;
       this->price = price;
       this->count = count;
   void display()
       cout<<"\nBook Title\t\tBook Author\t\tPrice\tCount of Books on Hand";
   void modify(char code)
       string title,author;
       float price;
       int count;
           case 'T': cout<<"\nEnter the new title of the book : ";
           this->title = title;
           case 'A':cout<<"\nEnter the new author of the book : ";
                       this->author = author;
           case 'P':cout<<"\nEnter the new price of the book : ";
                       this->price = price;
           case 'C':cout<<"\nEnter the new count of the books on hand : ";
                       this->count = count;
           default : cout<<"\nInvalid code ";
int main() {
   Book b("Programming in c++","bjarne stroustrup",70.99,34);
   return 0;


Book Title              Book Author             Price   Count of Books on Hand
Programming in c++      bjarne stroustrup       70.99   34
Enter the new price of the book : 65.88
Book Title              Book Author             Price   Count of Books on Hand
Programming in c++      bjarne stroustrup       65.88   34

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