
In: Computer Science

Here is a C++ class definition for an abstract data type LinkedList of string objects. Implement...

Here is a C++ class definition for an abstract data type LinkedList of string objects. Implement each member function in the class below. Some of the functions we may have already done in the lecture, that's fine, try to do those first without looking at your notes. You may add whatever private data members or private member functions you want to this class.



typedef std::string ItemType;

struct Node {

ItemType value;

Node *next;


class LinkedList {


Node *head;


//default constructor

LinkedList() : head(nullptr) { }

//copy constructor

LinkedList (const LinkedList& rhs);

//Destroys all the dynamically allocated memory in the list.

~LinkedList ();

// assignment operator

const LinkedList& operator= (const LinkedList& rhs);

// Inserts val at the rear of the list

void insertToRear (const ItemType &val);

// Prints the LinkedList

void printList () const;

// Sets item to the value at position i in this LinkedList and return true, returns false if there is no element I

bool get (int i, ItemType& item) const;

// Reverses the LinkedList

void reverseList ();

//Prints the LinkedList in reverse order

void PrintReverse() const;

//Appends the values of other onto the end of this LinkedList.

void append (const LinkedList &other);

//Exchange the contents of this LinkedList with the other one.

void swap (LinkedList &other);

//Returns the number of items in the Linked List.

int size() const;


When we don't want a function to change a parameter representing a value of the type stored in the LinkedList, we pass that parameter by constant reference. Passing it by value would have been perfectly fine for this problem, but we chose the const reference alternative because that will be more suitable after we make some generalizations in a later problem.

The get function enables a client to iterate over all elements of a LinkedList. In other words, this code fragment

LinkedList 1s;







for (int k = 0; k < 1s.size (); k++)


string x;

1s.get(k, x);

court << x << endl;


must write







The printList and printReverse functions enables a client to print elements of a LinkedList. In other words, this code fragment:

LinkedList 1s;





1s. printList ();

1s.printReverse ();

must write

Cory Topanga Shawn Eric

Eric Shawn Topanga Cory

You should have one space between after each item printed with an additional newline after the last item. Here is an example of the append function:

LinkedList e1;




LinkedList e2;

e2.insertToRear("Big Boi");


e1.append(e2); // adds contents of e2 to the end of e1

string s;

assert(e1.size() == 5 && e1.get(3, s) && s == "Big Boi");

assert(e2.size() == 2 && e2.get(1, s) && s == "Andre");

Here is an example of the reverseList function:

LinkedList e1;





e1.reverseList(); // reverses the contents of e1

string s;

assert(e1.size() == 4 && e1.get(0, s) && s == "Sam");

Here's an example of the swap function:

LinkedList e1;





LinkedList e2;




e1.swap(e2); // exchange contents of e1 and e2

string s;

assert(e1.size() == 3 && e1.get(0, s) && s == "Z");

assert(e2.size() == 4 && e2.get(2, s) && s == "B");

When comparing items, just use the == or != operators provided for the string type by the library. These do case-sensitive comparisons, and that's fine.

(MUST BE A singly linked list not doubly)

One zip file that contains your solution to thee problem. The zip file must contain only the files LinkedList.h, LinkedList.cpp, and main.cpp. The header file LinkedList.h will contain all the code from the top of this specification (includes, typedef, struct Node, class LinkedList) and proper guards, while the C++ file LinkedList.cpp will contain the LinkedList member functions you will write. If you don't finish everything you should return dummy values for your missing definitions. The main file main.cpp can have the main routine do whatever you want because we will rename it to something harmless, never call it, and append our own main routine to your file. Our main routine will thoroughly test your functions. You'll probably want your main routine to do the same. Your code must be such that if we insert it into a suitable test framework with a main routine and appropriate #include directives, it compiles. (In other words, it must have no missing semicolons, unbalanced parentheses, undeclared variables, etc.)


Expert Solution


#pragma once

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

typedef string ItemType;

struct Node{

ItemType value;

Node *next;


class LinkedList{


Node * head;


// default constructor

LinkedList() : head(nullptr) { }

// copy constructor

LinkedList(const LinkedList& rhs);

// Destroys all the dynamically allocated memory

// in the list.


// assignment operator

const LinkedList& operator=(const LinkedList& rhs);

// Inserts val at the rear of the list

void insertToRear(const ItemType &val);

// Prints the LinkedList void

void printList() const;

// Sets item to the value at position i in this

// LinkedList and return true, returns false if

// there is no element i

bool get(int i, ItemType& item) const;

// Reverses the LinkedList

void reverseList();

// Prints the LinkedList in reverse order

void printReverse() const;

// Appends the values of other onto the end of this

// LinkedList.

void append(const LinkedList &other);

// Exchange the contents of this LinkedList with the other

// one.

void swap(LinkedList &other);

// Returns the number of items in the Linked List.

int size() const;





// copy constructor

LinkedList::LinkedList(const LinkedList& rhs)


Node *cur = rhs.head;

while (cur != NULL)





// Destroys all the dynamically allocated memory

// in the list.



Node *cur = head, *tmp;

while (cur != NULL)


tmp = cur->next;

delete cur;

cur = tmp;



// assignment operator

const LinkedList& LinkedList::operator=(const LinkedList& rhs)


Node *cur = rhs.head;

while (cur != NULL)




return *this;


// Inserts val at the rear of the list

void LinkedList::insertToRear(const ItemType &val)


Node *cur = head,*newNode;

newNode = new Node;

newNode->value = val;

newNode->next = NULL;

if (head == NULL)


head = newNode;




while (cur->next != NULL)

cur = cur->next;

cur->next = newNode;



// Prints the LinkedList void

void LinkedList::printList() const


Node *cur = head;

while (cur != NULL)


cout << cur->value << " ";

cur = cur->next;



// Sets item to the value at position i in this

// LinkedList and return true, returns false if

// there is no element i

bool LinkedList::get(int i, ItemType& item) const


Node *cur = head;

int count = 0;

while (cur != NULL)


if (count == i)


item = cur->value;

return true;


cur = cur->next;



return false;


// Reverses the LinkedList

void LinkedList::reverseList()


Node *cur = head;

Node *prev = NULL, *next = NULL;

while (cur != NULL)


next = cur->next;

cur->next = prev;

prev = cur;

cur = next;


head = prev;


// Prints the LinkedList in reverse order

void LinkedList::printReverse() const


int n = size();

Node *cur = head;

ItemType *arr = new ItemType[n];

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


arr[i] = cur->value;

cur = cur->next;


cout << "Linked list in reverse order: ";

for (int i = n-1; i >=0; i--)


cout << arr[i] << " ";


cout << endl;


// Appends the values of other onto the end of this

// LinkedList.

void LinkedList::append(const LinkedList &other)


Node *cur = other.head;

while (cur != NULL)



cur = cur->next;



// Exchange the contents of this LinkedList with the other

// one.

void LinkedList::swap(LinkedList &other)


Node *cur = head, *cur1 = other.head,*prev=NULL,*prev1=NULL,*temp;

ItemType tmp;

//get size of two lists

int n1 = size(), n2 = other.size();

int n = n1 < n2 ? n1 : n2;

if (n1 == n2)

n = n1;

//swap contents fro two lists

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


tmp = cur->value;

cur->value = cur1->value;

cur1->value = tmp;

prev = cur;

cur = cur->next;

prev1 = cur1;

cur1 = cur1->next;


if (n1 > n)


Node *tmp;

while (cur != NULL)



prev->next = cur->next;

temp = prev->next;

prev->next = NULL;

delete temp;

prev = cur->next;

cur = cur->next;



if (n2 > n)


while (cur != NULL)



prev1->next = cur1->next;

temp = prev->next;

prev1->next = NULL;

delete temp;

prev1 = cur1->next;

cur1 = cur1->next;




// Returns the number of items in the Linked List.

int LinkedList::size() const


Node *cur = head;

int count = 0;

while (cur != NULL)



cur = cur->next;


return count;



//main.cpp and output ( it wil not have any error )





using namespace std;

int main()


LinkedList ls;







for (int k = 0; k < ls.size(); k++)


string x;

ls.get(k, x);

cout << x << endl;


LinkedList e1;




LinkedList e2;

e2.insertToRear("Big Boi");


e1.append(e2); // adds contents of e2 to the end of e1

string s;

assert(e1.size() == 5 && e1.get(3, s) && s == "Big Boi");

assert(e2.size() == 2 && e2.get(1, s) && s == "Andre");

//Here is an example of the reverseList function :

LinkedList e;





e.reverseList(); // reverses the contents of e1

//string s;


assert(e.size() == 4 && e.get(0, s) && s == "Sam");

LinkedList e3;





LinkedList e4;




e3.swap(e4); // exchange contents of e3 and e4

//string s;


assert(e3.size() == 3 && e3.get(0, s) && s == "Z");

assert(e4.size() == 4 && e4.get(2, s) && s == "B");










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