
In: Computer Science

Using C++ language, create a program that uses a struct with array variables that will loop...

Using C++ language, create a program that uses a struct with array variables that will loop at least 3 times and get the below information:

First Name

Last Name

Job Title

Employee Number

Hours Worked

Hourly Wage

Number of Deductions Claimed

Then, determine if the person is entitled to overtime and gross pay. Afterwards, determine the tax and net pay. Output everything to the screen. Use functions wherever possible.

Bonus Points:

Use an input file to read in an unknown number of records into your program: +5 points

Use Vectors instead of arrays in your struct: +5 points


Expert Solution

employee.cpp file


using namespace std;

//global variables for jobTime
const int jobTime = 5;
//global variables for tax rate
const double tax  = 1;

//Employee definition of struct type
struct Employee{
    string fname;
    string lname;
    string jobTitle;
    int empNo;
    int hoursWorked;
    double hourlyWage;
    int noDeductionClaimed;

//display() definiton for displaying the details of all employees
void display(vector<Employee>&emp){
    cout<<"\nEmployee Details:";
    for(int i=0;i<emp.size();i++){
        cout<<"\nName: "<<emp[i].fname<<" "<<emp[i].lname;
        cout<<"\nJob Title: "<<emp[i].jobTitle;
        cout<<"\nEmployee Number: "<<emp[i].empNo;
        cout<<"\nHours Worked: "<<emp[i].hoursWorked;
        cout<<"\nHourly Wage: "<<emp[i].hourlyWage;
        cout<<"\nNo of deduction claimed: "<<emp[i].noDeductionClaimed;
            cout<<"\nOvertime: "<<emp[i].hoursWorked-jobTime<<" hours";
        //calculating gross pay
        double grossPay = emp[i].hoursWorked*emp[i].hourlyWage -emp[i].noDeductionClaimed;
        cout<<"\nGross Pay: "<<grossPay;
        cout<<"\nTax: "<<tax<<"%";
        //calculating net pay
        double netPay = grossPay - (grossPay)*tax/100;
        cout<<"\nNet Pay: "<<netPay;

//driver program, execution starts from here 
int main(){

    //input of Employee type is declared for taking inputs from file
    Employee input;

    //vector of Employee type is declared
    vector<Employee> emp;

    //inFile declared for reading from a file
    ifstream inFile;

    //path for path of file
    string path = "emp.txt";

    //open file;

    //checking whether file open correctly or not.
        cout<<"\nFile not opened correctly.";
        return 0;

    //if file opened successfuly , read file until end of file is reached 

        //extracting data from file

        //inserting data into vector emp

    //closing file

    //displaying all employees details
    //by calling display()

    return 0;

emp.txt file

Ravi Kumar Salesman 1 6 1300.50 0
Amit Yadav Clerk 2 3 2000.50 1


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