In: Physics
What might be the relationship between frequency of fires and intensity - how long and hot do they burn? Why might this be?
Fire intensity describes the energy released from the fire or characteristics of the fire behavior such as flame length and rate of spread.
Fig: Major forest ecosystems in California plus chaparral, arranged by their pre‐Euroamerican settlement fire regime (y‐axis; increasing from top to bottom) and the range of their current departure from presettlement fire frequencies (x‐axis; departure ranges from Safford and Van de Water 2013). Locations along both axes are approximate. CC = condition class Dry subalpine and redwood NI (NI = natural ignitions, excluding human ignitions) types estimated without data from Safford and Van de Water (2013). Redwood HI = redwood forest including human ignitions. HRV = historic range of variability. Fire regime types (I, III, IV, V) from Schmidt et al. (2002).