
In: Computer Science

CIS247C WEEK 2 LAB The following problem should be created as a project in Visual Studio,...


The following problem should be created as a project in Visual Studio, compiled and debugged. Copy your code into a Word document named with your last name included such as: CIS247_Lab2_Smith. Also include screen prints of your test runs. Be sure to run enough tests to show the full operation of your code. Submit this Word document and the project file (zipped).

The Zoo Class

This class describes a zoo including some general visitor information. We will code this class using the UML below. There is a video in the announcements on how to code a class from a UML diagram. There is also an example shown by the Exercise we complete together in the Week 2 class.

It is required to use a header file for your class definition that contains the private attributes and prototypes for the functions (no code in the header file!) Use a .cpp file for the code of the functions. Then create a separate .cpp file for the main function.

The file with the main function should have a documentation header:


            Programmer Name: Your Name

            Program: Zoo Class

            Date: Current date

            Purpose: Demonstrate coding a simple class and creating objects from it.


Coding the Zoo Class

Create a header file named: Zoo.h and a .cpp file named: Zoo.cpp. The easiest way to do this is to use the “Add Class” function of Visual Studio.

In the header file, put your class definition, following the UML as a guide. In the private access section, declare your variables. In the public access section, list prototypes (no code) for the two constructors, setters and getters and the other functions shown.


-zooName : string   //example: Brookfield Zoo

-zooLocation : string     //city, state

-yearlyVisitors : int

-adultAdmissionCost : double

+Zoo()   //default constructor should zero numbers and set strings to “unknown”

+Zoo(name : string, place : string, visitors: int, cost : double)

+getName() : string

+getLoc() : string

+getVisitors() : int

+getAdmission() : double

+setName(name : string) : void

+setLoc(place : string) : void

+setVisitors(visitors : int) : void

+setAdmission(cost : double) : void

+printInfo() : void    //prints the name, location, visitors and adult admission cost

In the Zoo.cpp file, put the code for all the functions. Remember to put the class name and scope resolution operator in front of all function names.

Example setter:

void Zoo::setVisitors(int visitors) {yearlyVisitors = visitors;}

Example getter:

int Zoo:getVisitors() {return yearlyVisitors;}

In the .cpp file for the main function, be sure to add this to your includes:

#include “Zoo.h”

Here is some high level pseudocode for your main function:


            declare 2 string variables for the name and location

            declare int variable for the number of visitors

            declare double variable for the adult admission cost

            declare a Zoo object with no parentheses (uses default constructor)

            set a name for the Zoo (name of your choice such as “Brookfield Zoo”)

            set a location for the Zoo in the format: city, state (example: “Chicago, IL”)

            set the yearly number of visitors (any amount)

            set the adult admission cost (any amount)

            //use proper money formatting for the following

            use the printInfo() method to print the Zoo object’s information

            //Preparing for the second Zoo object

            //Suggestion: use getline(cin, variable) for the strings instead of cin

            Ask the user for a zoo name and input name into local variable declared above

            Ask the user for the zoo location and input the location into local variable

            Ask the user for the zoo yearly number of visitors and input into local variable

            Ask the user for the adult admission cost and input into local variable

            //Using the constructor with parameters to create an object

            declare a Zoo object and pass the four local variables in the parentheses

            use the printInfo() method to print the Zoo object’s information

end main function


When you are done testing your program, check that you have used proper documentation. Then copy and paste your code from Visual Studio into a Word document. Be sure to copy all three files. Take a screenshot of the console window with your program output. Paste this into the same document.

Save your Word document as: CIS247_Week2Lab_YourLastName.

Submit your Word document and also the properly zipped project folder.

C++ language


Expert Solution

// Zoo.h

#ifndef ZOO_H
#define ZOO_H

class Zoo
private :
    //Declaring instance variables
    string zooName;
    string zooLocation;
    int yearlyVisitors;
    double adultAdmissionCost;
public :  
//Zero argumented constructor

//Parameterized constructor
Zoo(string name ,string place,int visitors,double cost);

// getters and setters
string getName();

string getLoc();

int getVisitors();
double getAdmission();
void setName(string name);

void setLoc(string place);

void setVisitors(int visitors);
void setAdmission(double cost);

//This function is used to display the contents of an object inside it
void printInfo() ;



// Zoo.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Zoo.h"

Zoo::Zoo() //default constructor should zero numbers and set strings to “unknown”

//Parameterized constructor
Zoo::Zoo(string name ,string place,int visitors,double cost)

// getters and setters
string Zoo::getName()
    return zooName;

string Zoo::getLoc()
   return zooLocation;

int Zoo::getVisitors()
   return yearlyVisitors;

double Zoo::getAdmission()
   return adultAdmissionCost;

void Zoo::setName(string name)

void Zoo::setLoc(string place)

void Zoo::setVisitors(int visitors)

void Zoo::setAdmission(double cost)

//This function is used to display the contents of an object inside it
void Zoo::printInfo()
   cout<<"Zoo Name :"<<zooName<<endl;
   cout<<"Zoo Location :"<<zooLocation<<endl;
   cout<<"No of Yearly Visitors :"<<yearlyVisitors<<endl;
   cout<<"Adult Admission Cost :$"<<adultAdmissionCost<<endl;


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Zoo.h"
int main()
   //Declaring variables
       string zooName;
    string zooLocation;
    int yearlyVisitors;
    double adultAdmissionCost;
    //Creating an instance of Zoo class
   Zoo z1;
   //calling the setters
   z1.setName("Zambo Zoo");
   //Getting the input entered by the user
   cout<<"\nEnter Zoo name :";
   cout<<"Enter Zoo Location :";
   cout<<"Enter yearly visitors :";
   cout<<"Enter Adult Admission cost :$";
      //Creating an instance of Zoo class
   Zoo z2(zooName,zooLocation,yearlyVisitors,adultAdmissionCost);
return 0;



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