
In: Nursing

Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems between Haiti vs United Kingdom essay form?

Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems between Haiti vs United Kingdom essay form?


Expert Solution


Essay: Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Systems between Haiti vs United Kingdom

This topic must be divided into different segments.

1. Brief description of the economical conditions of both the countries

Firstly the focus must be on the economical condition of both the countries including the national income and the GDP (Gross domestic product) which have the most influential impact on the healthcare sector of all the countries.

2. Details about the present healthcare systems of two countries

This area must cover all the available systems for better patient outcome and regular practices in healthcare setting. Apart from the physician, the role of the other paramedics including nursing, pharmacist and other healthcare workers must be enlisted.

3. Major healthcare burden and patient status according to different diseases

This area must focus on the present healthcare burden of both the countries and necessary intervention must be noticed to mitigate the prevalence of a specific disease that significantly improves the healthcare burden.

4. Key healthcare services provided to the population of both the countries

What basic services are provided to the population and the cost of the intervention for a particular treatment. Moreover focus on the community based healthcare programme for improvement of the maternal and child health.

5. Cost of the healthcare facilities

The comparative cost of the healthcare facilities should be included as it denotes the structure of the healthcare system for the whole population of both the countries.

6. Influence of private sector healthcare in public health

Signify the role of the private sector healthcare setting in public health in terms of insurance, choice of medicine or treatment protocol and the healthcare facilities.

7. Funding and performance of healthcare sector in both the countries

Focus on the funding structure of both the countries as it directly influence the outcome of the healthcare services in a well established manner.

8. Conclusive remarks

After analyzing all the aspects as above mentioned, conclusive remarks should be made w.r.t the healthcare systems of both the countries and necessary modifications and approaches must be focussed.

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