
In: Operations Management

Tubbs, S. (2013). Conflict and negotiation. 1. List and explain the four levels of conflict. 2....

Tubbs, S. (2013). Conflict and negotiation. 1. List and explain the four levels of conflict. 2. What are the six stages of conflict? 3. List and explain the five alternatives for conflict resolution provided by the Kilmann-Thomas Model. 4. List the six steps of the negotiation process provided by Walker and Harris (1995). 5. What are the four primary rules of thumb of principled negotiation?


Expert Solution

Conflict and Negotiation

1. List and expalin the four levels of conflict

Individual Conflict: The conflict arise within an individual, due to work pressure to achieve different target at a same time, unable to prioritize the list of work, lack of ideas etc.

Interpersonal Conflict: The conflict arise between one person and another due to different perception, incompatibility, different roles and responsibility, different targets etc.

Group level conflict: The conflict arise between group level within the organization. Here the conflict can be of either intra-group level or intergroup level, sometimes both can takes place. Intra-group conflict means the conflict arise within one another in the group when their perception differs. They will work for the same goals in alternative ways and there comes conflict arise. Intergroup conflict arise between two or more distinct groups. Eg: conflict between Marketing department and finance department. They work for the same organizational goals but their approach get differ and conflict arise.

Organizational conflict: The conflict arise in organizational Level. In the above three conflicts the conflict are within the organization. Here the conflict can be between organization and other organization like competitor / union / government agencies etc.

Stages of Conflict

Stage 1: Potential opposition or incompatibility

this condition is not necessary for conflict but it can lead to conflict

  • Communication
  • Structure of relationship
  • Personal variables

Stage 2: cognition and Personalization

Perceived Conflict: the parties involved will have a perception of conflicts existing between them.

felt Conflict: The conflict taken place has been realized by both the parties involved

stage 3: Intention

the impact of conflict can be seen in different ways like avoiding each other, competing etc..

Stage 4: Behavior

the impact of conflict can be seen in different ways like being aggressive to each other, disrespectful, rules breaking, irritation etc

Stage 5: Outcome

It will either increase the group performance or decrease the group performance based on the alternative solution takes place to avoid conflict or on the basis of how the conflict is resolved.

3. 5 alternatives of conflicts resolution provided by kilmann – Thomas

These 5 alternatives are indentified by two dimensions cooperative – one party concern over the another

And assertive – the party concern his /her priority

1. Competing

2. collaborating

3. compromising

4. Avoiding

5. Accommodating

4. Negotiation process

  1. Preparation and planning – once before negotiation starts, one need to work on the issues on what basis the negotiation take place and its goals has to be identified. Prepare different alternatives to begin a negotiation.
  2. Definition of ground rules – Once planning and preparation are done, define the rules with the other party before beginning the negotiation process
  3. Clarification and justification – at once the negotiation begins, state your points, explain them in clear to one another to avoid misunderstanding and justify it from our side.
  4. Bargaining and problem solving – The negotiation will reach its peak when bargaining starts. The better bargaining will takes place when Win – Win situation takes place
  5. Closure and implementation – At last finalize the demands and develop the procedure necessary to frame an agreement. Sign the agreement to implement it.
  6. Continuous improvement – Monitor the process and take necessary steps to improve it in future

5. Rules of Thumb

Once a Act happened is happened and it can't be revoked. same as that once spoken is spoken and it cna't be taken out. So no bad action words to be taken ipert in negotiation

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