
In: Computer Science

The following program will be written in JAVA. Create a class called complex performing arithmetic with...

The following program will be written in JAVA.

Create a class called complex performing arithmetic with complex numbers. Write a program to test your class.

                        Complex numbers have the form:

                        realPart + imaginaryPart * i


                        Where i is sqrt(-1)


                        Use double variables to represent data of the class. Provide a constructor that enables an object of this class to be initialized when it is declared. The constructor should contain default values in case no initializers are provided. Also, a Method to assign data to data fields. Provide public member Methods for each of the following:

  1. Adding two complex numbers. The real parts are added together and the imaginary parts are added together.
  2. Subtracting two complex numbers. The real part of the right operand is subtracted from the real part of the left operand, and the imaginary part of the right operand is subtracted from the imaginary part of the left operand.
  3. Multiplying two Complex numbers.
  4. Dividing two Complex numbers.
  5. Printing complex numbers in the form (a, b), where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part.

Result:            Display the result on Message Dialog Box as shown below:


               a = (9.5 , 7.7)

               b = (1.2 , 3.1)

          a + b = (10.7, 10.8)

          a – b = (8.3, 4.9)



Lastly, Create a source file for your program, compile it, execute it, and paste the result on the source file.


Expert Solution


public class Complex {
   // fields
   private double realPart ;
   private double imaginaryPart ;
   // default constructor
   public Complex()
   // parameterized constructor
   public Complex(double real, double imaginary)
       this.realPart = real;
       this.imaginaryPart = imaginary;
   // method to set the real part
   public void setReal(double value)
       realPart = value;
   // method to set the imaginary part
   public void setImaginary(double value)
       imaginaryPart = value;
   // method to return real part
   public double getReal()
       return realPart;
   // method to return imaginary part
   public double getImaginary()
       return imaginaryPart;
   // method that returns a new Complex object
// which is the sum of the calling object and the passed object.
public Complex addition(Complex complex) {
return new Complex(this.realPart + complex.realPart, this.imaginaryPart + complex.imaginaryPart);

// method that returns a new Complex object
// which is the subtraction of the calling object and the passed object.
public Complex subtraction(Complex complex) {
return new Complex(this.realPart - complex.realPart, this.imaginaryPart - complex.imaginaryPart);

// method that returns a new Complex
// object which is the product of two passed complex numbers.
public Complex multiplication(Complex c2) {

double r = this.realPart * c2.realPart - this.imaginaryPart * c2.imaginaryPart;
double i = this.realPart * c2.imaginaryPart + this.imaginaryPart * c2.realPart;

return new Complex(r, i);
// method that returns a new Complex
// object which is the this Complex number divided by passed object
public Complex division(Complex c2) {

   double denominator = (Math.pow(c2.realPart,2) + Math.pow(c2.imaginaryPart, 2));
double r = (this.realPart * c2.realPart + this.imaginaryPart * c2.imaginaryPart) / denominator;
double i = (this.imaginaryPart * c2.realPart - this.realPart * c2.imaginaryPart)/ denominator;

return new Complex(r, i);

// method to return string representation of the Complex number
public String toString()
   return String.format("(%.1f, %.1f)",realPart,imaginaryPart);

//end of


import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class ComplexTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {

       // test the class
       Complex a = new Complex(9.5, 7.7);
       Complex b = new Complex(1.2, 3.1);
       Complex add = a.addition(b);
       Complex sub = a.subtraction(b);
       Complex mul = a.multiplication(b);
       Complex div = a.division(b);
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "a = "+a.toString()+"\nb = "+b.toString()+"\na + b = "+add.toString()
               +"\na - b = "+sub.toString()+"\na * b = "+mul.toString()+"\na / b = "+div.toString());


//end of


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